二人英语剧本搞笑简短 二人简短英语对话小短文






M: Hi, Tom! Your pictures are terrific. How long have you been a photographer?

T: For about two years. That's the one thing I really enjoy.

M: I've just bought a new camera Would you please show me how it works?

T: Yes, of course. It's a snap. First of all, you have to make sure the battery has been charged.

M: Yes, I charged it yesterday.

T: OK. Then let's check the memory card. Umm... it's good. It is necessary to have some space for your pictures. Now everything is ready, you can take a picture. Press this button.

(Mary presses the button and takes a photograph)

M: That's cool! I succeed. Thank you, Tom!

T: Wait a minute. See it carefully. You see? The picture is faint.

M: Oh, yes, what's wrong?

T: When you take a picture, you must hold the camera steadily without any thrill. It's very import,ant. Now try it again.

(Mary follows Tom's words and takes another photograph)

M: The penny drops. You're really good at it.

T: It's not a big deal. You also have to adjust the lens while using the camera at night.

M: I'II remember that. Thank you very much, Tom.

T: You're welcome.





K: How's everything going?

J: I'm still here.

K: What's wrong?

J: I feel I'm stuck in a rut and I've been on the go all day.

K: Maybe you need some changes. Variety is the spice of life!

J: Any advice?

K: What about having a pet? I have a lovely dog. Every morning, my dog jumps onto my bed to wake me up and I take it out for a walk every evening.

J: Good idea! Is your dog housebroken?

K: No, it is so gentle. What is your favorite pet, cats, dogs or fishes?

J: I like dogs. Dogs seem to be able to read our minds.

K: Yeah. When I'm depressed, my dog comes to play with me to cheer me up.

J: If I want to have one, do I need to get a license?

K: Of course. Dog owners are required to have pet licenses.

J: Thanks. I am going to buy a dog tomorrow.





J:I'm done up.

L: What? Just climb some stairs?

J: Lately, I've had very Iow staminal and energy levels.

L: You need to get tone up. What about going for jogging with me?

J: I just want to watch TV and sleep.

L: Stop being a couch potaio! You can't get much exercise sitting there all day like this!

J:I know. But I….

L: Stop making excuse! Come on, today is the first National Fitness Day!

二人英语剧本搞笑简短 二人简短英语对话小短文

J: What's it?

L: August 8th is the anniversary day of Beijing Olympics and is designated by the State Council as National Fitness Day and the BOCOG also supports this activity.

J: I have heard that in August the city shall put on mass fitness activities.

L: Yes. We should directly involve ourselves into some sporis.

J: You can say that again. Let's go!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/245961/858146270.html



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