五一劳动节祝福语 2015五一劳动节英文祝福语


  1.Some 300,000 people gathered in the Tiananmen Square to watch the national flag rise with the sun to mark the prelude to a week-long holiday beginning Wednesday, the International Labor Day.

  2.Chen Ronghui, 21, in a cooks uniform, said, It is most special to watch the flag hoisting in a working uniform on the International Labor Day.

  3.Chen, from Yangzhou in east Chinas Jiangsu Province, said he planned to climb mountains in the outskirts of Beijing later in the morning.

  4.Visitors and natives also had numerous choices to spend their holidays. They could watch performances by some 30 international troupes or visit a book fair. Over 100 museums in Beijing prepared special events for visitors.

  5.Parks in Tianjin, a municipality close to Beijing, have put on folk performances such as the drum yangge dance to attract tourists.

  6.Still, tens of thousands of others planned to go to tourism cities. Sources with the Capital International Airport in Beijing said they would carry a total of 800,000 passengers during the seven days.

  7.Sources added they have 700 flights on Wednesday alone, with 120 by Air China, carrying 70,000 passengers. Their destinations mainly focus on such cities as Chengdu, Kunming, Guangzhou and Dalian.

  8.Statistics from Guangzhou show 3.5 million of its citizens are traveling to other cities. It was reported its airport, railway station and bus stations were filled with people.

  9.Guangzhou people have a special interest in the western regions and competition has made travel agencies cut their fees by hundreds of yuan or so.

  10.Experts said the Chinese had more freedom and choice now. They not only wanted to celebrate their holidays securely, but in highly-qualified and diverse ways.

五一劳动节祝福语 2015五一劳动节英文祝福语

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/245871/598042718.html


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五一劳动节祝福语 2015年五一劳动节祝福语大全


五一劳动节祝福语 给老师的五一劳动节祝福语

   五一劳动节就要到来,为自己的老师送上怎样的祝福比较合适呢?下面是爱华小编分享的给老师的五一劳动节祝福语。  给老师的五一劳动节祝福语:  1、昨夜思绪无数,数来数去就你最酷,梦里寻你百度,猛然回头你被拴在猪圈深处,阿

五一劳动节祝福语经典 经典的五一劳动节祝福语大全

 经典的五一劳动节祝福语大全:  劳动劳动劳动,加班加班加班,生活如此无奈,快乐究竟何在?带上我的祝福,跃上幸福舞台,我们虽是小老百姓,也要放声开怀。真诚祝大家劳动节快乐!  劳动快乐,幸福生活,劳动节我要送给你一套劳动工具,爱上

五一劳动节祝福语大全 五一劳动节祝福语

 五一劳动节祝福语 祝你在这五一节里,心像怒放的花,不只开一朵,今天虽然是劳动节,但也要多多注意休息,保持身体安康。祝节日快乐,生意兴隆!红红的辣椒服穿上你的身,勤俭是美德,劳动最光荣。是懒猫一个,只趴在床上,劳动节,不劳动,呆在家里把

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