剑网三令人痛恨 工作中最令人痛恨的十大商务术语


Oh, English, the beautiful bastard of European language, the tongue of kings, merchants, scientists and poets. Ever-flexible and always-developing, English is constantly being expanded: usually by its most-common users. Shakespeare invented almost 2,000 words, from “arouse” to “zany.”


Before that, Chaucer added some of English’s most common expressions – “absent,” “accident,” “box,” and so on. (Equally important, he also gave us “veal,” “vulgar,” and “laxative.”) And, now, in our century, Gerald (that guy who sits across from you in the office and manages Accounts Payable) gives us treasure after treasure, from “incentivize” to “granularity” to “disintermediate.”


“Special Purpose” English has always had a place in society: doctors and nurses need a set of words to describe medicine, illnesses, and surgical tools; pilots need an entirely unique vocabulary to talk about the atmosphere, airplane engineering, and safety issues, and… other professionals need language for stuff that, let’s be honest, we don’t really care that much about. But Business English has always tied with Political English for the most pretentiouscliches and most meaningless double-talk.


It’s gotten so bad, in fact, that many business journals are even starting to complain about it. Forbes Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, even the BBC have all recently published their own indexes of most-hated business jargon. Naturally, Voxy’s here to help with some of our own… and remember, no matter what your manager “thinks” is okay, DON’T let these come out of your mouth!


1) “Action item” – because the words “job,” “task,” or “duty” are just way too long and complex, right?


2) “Advise” – Not a bad word, just way overused. Here’s a hint: if you’re not giving an opinion about someone else’s decision, you’re not “advising.” Are you “saying,” “telling,” “informing,” “helping,” “notifying,” “specifying,” and so on? Maybe, sure. But what you’re not doing is “advising.”


剑网三令人痛恨 工作中最令人痛恨的十大商务术语

3) “Bandwidth” – Again, fine in one context, godawful in all others. Are we talking about data transfer speeds? Great! Are we talking about ability, capacity, capability, time, money, or people? …not so good.


4) “Bottleneck” – One more of this breed, with a far simpler rule: if it’s not traffic, don’t say bottleneck. If it’s not a noun, don’t say bottleneck. If it’s a verb that means to “slow,” “hinder,” “impede,” or “obstruct,” then DON’T. SAY. BOTTLENECK.


5) “Empower” – Nelson Mandela empowers. Your iPhone does not. “Enhance” or “enable”? Sure.


6) “Impact” – Fortunately, this one at least has an actual reason for its recent popularity. Unfortunately, that reason is “too many executives can’t be bothered to learn the difference between ‘affect’ and ‘effect,’ and neither could their second-grade English teachers.”


7) “Leverage” – Again, let’s all be thankful someone found a shorter, more convenient way to say the word “use.”


8) “Preplan” – What’s the opposite? “Postplan”? “Duringplan”? By its nature, planning is “pre” – if it’s not happening before, it’s not a plan: it’s a reaction.


9) “Robust” – Yet another normal, innocent word turned into a monster by corporate “repurposing.” This used to just mean “hearty,” “rugged,” or “vigorous” – not exactly words you’d think to apply to, say, a database software suite, right? And yet these days, 99% of the time this word is used to talk about programs that magically don’t crash every time you open them. There are even rumors that it’s spawned the terms “robustify,” “robusticity,” and even “robustification.” Pray they’re not true.


10) “Solution” – Perhaps the biggest victim of them all, this word used to mean… SOMETHING. Now? It doesn’t.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/245661/858496134.html


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