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My husband is generally not a very romantic person,so I was rather pleased when on our 23rd wedding anniversary he surprised me with 17 roses. Curious about the odd amount,I asked him if there was a special significance to buying 17 roses rather than the normal one or two dozen.


" No,"he answered.“that was the minimum amount that could be charged."




Immediately after my husband's company built a weight-lifting facility for its employees, he and a colleague of his,Jamie,joined the program. Although Jamie dropped out of the program,my husband continued faithfully. Several months later,a co-worker came up to him and expressed interest in weight training. My husband was flattered that someone had noticed the results of his dedicated effort,until the man exclaimed,"Yes,I just saw Jamie

and he looks great.”

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One afternoon a man came into the bank where my wife,Laura,is a teller. As he stood in the doorway wiping his eye glasses with a handkerchief , she asked if she could help him.


"You're darned right.”he answered."Ever since I bought these glasses here, I haven't been able to see a thing."


"Sir,"Laura replied,"I believe you want the optical store next door."


The man put his glasses on, looked around the bank and said,"I told you these glasses aren't any good:"



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