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简短英语笑话短文:No Touching

John said to Mary, "I'll bet you ten cents I can kiss you on the lips without touching them."

"You're crazy," said Mary. "That's impossible. Here's a dime that says you can't."

The two dimes were placed on the mantelpiece and John then enfolded Mary and for ten minutes kissed her passionately, intimately, and moistly.

She broke away at last, panting and disheveled, and said, "You did nothing BUT touch my lips."

John pushed the dimes toward her and said, "So I lose."

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简短英语笑话短文:Wake Up!

A teacher is droning away in the classroom when he notices a student sleeping way up in the back row. The teacher shouts to the sleeping student's neighbor, "Hey wake that student up!"

The neighbor yells back, "You put him to sleep, you wake him up!"

简短英语笑话短文:I'm Trying to Stop It

"Boy, why have you got cotton-wool in your ear? Is it infected?"

"No, sir, but you said yesterday that everything you told me went in one ear and out the other , so I am trying to stop it."

简短英语笑话短文:Buying a Horse

Lil' Johnny attended a horse auction with his father. He watched as his father moved from horse to horse, running his hands up and down the horses' legs, rump, and chest.

After a few minutes, Johnny asked, "Pop, why are you doing that?"

"Because I'm thinking of buying these horses."

Johnny looked worried, "Then I think we'd better hurry home right away!"

"Why?" his father asked.

"Because the UPS man stopped by yesterday, and I think he wants to buy Mom!"


I took my 4 year old son, Jacob, out to McDonald's for dinner one evening for a "guy night".

As we were eating our hamburgers, Jacob asked "Daddy, what are these little things on the hamburger buns?"

I responded that they were tiny seeds and were ok to eat.

He was quiet for a couple of minutes and I could tell he was in deep thought.

Finally, Jacob looked up and said, "Dad, if we go home and plant these seeds in our backyard, we will have enough hamburgers to last forever."


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/245161/648383194.html


英语冷笑话带翻译 英语冷笑话简单带翻译

政治笑话采用一种幽默与讽刺相结合的方式,从本质上讲,它属于“政治言论的符号空间里的边缘层”。下面小编整理了英语冷笑话简单带翻译,希望大家喜欢!英语冷笑话简单带翻译品析An Adult DecisionThe year before my son turned 18

初二英语演讲精选简单 简单的英语冷笑话精选

冷笑话是近几年才出现的新兴语言现象,它以网络为主要的传播方式。小编精心收集了简单的英语冷笑话,供大家欣赏学习!简单的英语冷笑话:Where does God liveTeacher: Where does God live?Student: I think he lives in our bathroom

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英语笑话是民族文化不可或缺的一部分。透过笑话我们可以看到一个民族的生存环境、生活方式、社会关系和心理特征等等。小编精心收集了简短英语笑话短文,供大家欣赏学习!简短英语笑话短文:No TouchingJohn said to Mary, "I'll bet

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冷笑话精选 有关幽默英语冷笑话精选

冷笑话是幽默的一种特殊的表现形式,主要流传于网页,微博,贴吧等。本文是有关幽默英语冷笑话,希望对大家有帮助!有关幽默英语冷笑话:心里难受Feel Unhappy.Son: Is it wrong to give anyone mental or physical hurt when he felt unh

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