简单个人简历模板范文 简单的英语简历范文模板



Personal Information


Gender: male

Date of Birth: xxxx/xx/xx

Phone no

Email address:xuexila.com

Career Goal

Want to prove the interpersonal expertise and the organization qualities as one of administrative head in an academic background.

Educational Background

Obtained Master of Education Degree from the Chicago University, Chicago in the year of 1987 at program evaluation and research as the major.

Obtained Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Northwestern University, Allegheny in the year of 1983 at psychology.

Professional Background

1998- Present Date: Work as the respective assistant dean of students in the Allegheny University, Allegheny with the following job responsibilities

Provide necessary proceedings in residential stuff recruitment and selection for the Allegheny University.

Provide due training along with proper supervising to the residential stuffs.

Build a good relation among various student groups and prepare proper future planning with them.

Initiate and coordinate the social and cultural festivals of the University along with the recreational functions.

Provide due orientation curriculums for newly joined students in the University and make them familiar with other stuffs and faculties.

Provide necessary counseling as the part of his duty as the assistant dean of students especially when they are in need for become familiar with various University rules and regulations.

Provide proper motivation to the students for participating in various social and cultural activities run by the university.

Provide necessary actions for various publishing and advertising features.

A part of the Student Advisory Commission regarding campus food service and food service management for providing the students their preferable meals.

Coordinate with University Campus Police on various problems and issues within the University.

Serve as a member and support the Counseling and Health Clinic team for offer the best to the students.

Associate with the Anti Drug and Alcohol society of the University.

1989- 1997: Worked as the Controller of Student Movements at the California University, California with the following responsibilities

Initiated and executed numbers of workshops on public speaking and assertiveness training among the students.

Conducted complete proceedings to make the students familiar with the time management along with the necessary conflict confrontation training.

Build a good relation among various student groups and prepare proper future planning with them.

Initiate and coordinate the social and cultural festivals of the University along with the recreational functions.


Personal information


Gender: female

Age: 23 years old marital status: single

简单个人简历模板范文 简单的英语简历范文模板

School: XX vocational college education: college degree

Contact phone number:



Intention job: receptionist/front desk clerk

Intention to work: xuzhou urban working years: 4 years

Intention of salary: negotiable can arrive time: at any time

Language ability

English: English level 3, can carry out simple conversations

Mandarin: national mandarin test level 2 grade a, standard mandarin

Work experience

Working time: April 2009 to November 2013

Working location: xuzhou xx food co., LTD

Positions: receptionist

Job description:

Between 1, on his own responsibility within the scope of the tea will keep indoor clean and water dispenser disinfection, disinfection at least once a month. Change printer drum unit on time and maintain office supplies at the front desk.

2, in the front office is responsible for the reception guests, answering consultation telephone booking, provide consulting service for the guest

3, with some guest complaints.

Self assessment

I have a bright and cheerful disposition, generous, grasp good etiquette knowledge and reception working experience, the flexible, responsive, and able to work flexible processing of the emergency. I think that represents the image of the hotel front desk reception work, post is ordinary but is very important, so want to be at the front desk reception work need to have a strong sense of responsibility. I would like to common development and progress with your company.



Nationality:China (Mainland)

Current Place:Guangzhou

Height/Weight:178 cm 81 kg

Marital Status:marriedAge:33 years

Career Objective

Application type:Jobseeker

Preferred job title:Foreign Trade/Import-Export Specialist/Assistant: Senior Merchandiser 、 Foreign Trade Merchandising Manager/Supervisor: shippment 、 :

Working life:9Title:No title

Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a day

Expected salary:¥4,500~¥5,499Preferred working place:Guangzhou No preference No preference

Work experience

Company"s name:****CO., Limited Begin and end date: 2011-05-2014-04

Enterprise nature:Industry:

Job Title:shipping manager

Job description:Build and perfect logistics department.The import thing is Establish export tax rebates.Handle a serices of works after orders!

Reasons for leaving:

Company"s name:****CO., Limited Begin and end date: 2005-04-2011-05

Enterprise nature:Industry:

Job Title:shipping clerk

Job description:This company is a specialized I/E agency enjoying export tax rebates right. I handle a series of work after orders,include booking,commodity inspection,trail car,customs clearance,do ducuments,export tax rebates.

Reasons for leaving:

Educational Background

Name of School:ZhanJiang Ocean University

Highest Degree:BachelorDate of Graduation:2005-07-01

Name of Major 1:International Economics and TradeName of Major 2:

Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No

2001-092005-06ZhanJiang Ocean UniversityInternational Economics and Trade

Language Ability

Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:good

Chinese level:goodCantonese Level:good

Relevant skills and abilities

2005/9 driving license C card

2005/6 Certificate of Inspection

2005/3 Certificate of Customs Specialist

2003/01 CET-4

Self-recommendation letter

Hard work seriously, a strong sense of responsibility,strong ability to adapt it, have good language expression ability, communication ability and independent ability. Has the good team cooperation spirit and hard-working spirit, have strong sense of belonging to the enterprise.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/245161/448444898.html


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