英语4人对话 4人英语对话和会话



B:Advertisements have become part of our daily life,right?

广告已经成为我们生活的一部分了 对不对

A:Sure,we can find advertisements in every area of our lives.Whenever you walk in the streets,turn on TV,surf the Internet,you can find a great number of them

对的 广告在我们生活中已经无所不在了 不论什么时候你走在街上打开电视或者上网你都可以看到一大票广告

C:That's right.Do you believe advertisements?

没错 你相信广告么

D:Well,advertisements provide information that we need.And they tell us which product is the best

额 广告带给我们所需要的信息 而且他告诉我们那个产品是最好的

A:Do they?I don't think so.Every seller says his product is the best.Only one can be the best,so the others are misleading us,arent they?

是吗?我不觉得 每个销售商都告诉我们它的产品是最好的 但是最好的只能有一个 所以其他的都在误导我们对不对

B:Well,in a way,I suppose,but we don't have to believe them,some advertisements arent(这个词不知道是aren’t 还是 agent 两种翻译分别是 有些广告完全无效 和 有些广告商还是很有效的 前者似乎更靠谱) effective at all.

某种程度上是的 不过我们不需要一定相信他们

D:I don't think that intelligent businessmen would spend millions of dollars on advertising if nobody believed the advertisements,do you? 我不认为如果没人相信广告的话 狡猾的商人会花几百万在打广告上

C:Perhaps not,but after all,it's their money that they're spending.They're willing to do it

也许吧 不过归根结底 那是他们的钱 他们想怎么花就怎么花

A:I think not.The cost of advertising is added to the price of the articel.All people who buy the article pay for the advertising 我觉得不是 广告费已经附加在商品上了 买东西的人会为广告买单的

B:I don't completely believe advertisements,because some ads are dishonest and misleading.they cheat the consumers by empty promises. 我不完全相信广告 因为有些广告不诚实 他们用空头支票欺骗消费者


D I read the magazine about the lastest fashion recently.It's pretty cool.Nowdays,more and more people follow the fashion trends,what do you think about?

我最近看了一本流行杂志 超赞 现在越来越多的人开始赶流行 你们怎么看

C:I think we should follow the fashion,if everyone always sticks to the old fashion,there won't be any change and naturally there won't be progress

当然是紧跟流行啊 要是每个人都土的掉渣 社会就不会发展时代就不会进步和谐不能实现共产主义要何时才能走进中国(无视我)

B:Yes,Fashions make people look younger,more beautiful and more active in appearance,what's your opinion,zhou?

赞 流行也让人看起来更年轻更美更吸引人 元芳你怎么看

A:I think we should have our own judgement and characteristics.If everyone follows the same fashion,there will not be variety and the whole society will keep the same style

我觉得我们也应该有点自我判断力吧 要是每个人都跟着潮流走 整个社会就像


D:I can't agree more with you.Those who run after every new fashion have wasted too much time and money on it

双手双脚赞同 跟着流行屁股后面跑的人也浪费太多时间金钱了

B:But,don't you think following the lasted fashion gives us self-confidence and makes us feel better?


英语4人对话 4人英语对话和会话

A:Yes,maybe,but you may pay too much attention to the constantly changing fashion and too less attention to your own identity

大概哦 但是放太多注意力在不断变化的流行上会减少你对自我个性的追求

C:I don't think so,beautiful appearance and elegant behavior makes one succeed in work more easily

不觉得 不错的外表和得体的举止让一个人看起来更像高帅富 工作起来更容易 D:Yes,everyone have the right to show his up-to-date ideas and to show his desire to break with the tradition

是啊 每个人都有权利发表意见并且表达打破传统的意向


C: Could you please talk about your views on friendship?


D: OK. In my opinion, friendship makes my life more colorful. We do what we want to do together, such as singing, dancing, shopping and so on. 好的 在我的观点中 友谊使我的生活变得更加多彩 我们一起做我们想做的事情 比如说唱歌 跳舞 购物还有巴拉巴拉

B: As for me, friends share my sorrow and happiness. When I was sick, they would stay with me all the time.

对我来说 朋友分享着我的快乐和忧伤 当我生病的时候 他们会一直陪着我

A: Friendship gives me great help and encouragement. When I am in trouble, they will give me a hand in time.

友谊给我很大的帮助和鼓励 当我陷入麻烦 他们会及时拉我一把

C: Just as you saying, friendship is very important for us. How to value friendship?

就像你们所说 友谊对我们是非常重要的 那么如何来保持友谊呢

B: We ought to cherish it by means of words and deeds as thinking more of others and so.on

我们应该去用言语呵护她 时刻考虑别人的感受还有巴拉巴拉

D: We can keep in touch with friends and more concern about friends.,at zhe same times,show our kindness to friends

我们要和朋友多联系并且多关心他们 同时也要多朋友表现出慷慨大方

A: I hold that we should develop a more pleasing personality at the same time, show your kindness to others.


C: It’s commonly accepted that friends play an important part in our lives. We should get along well with our friend by different means. 友谊是我们生活中的一部分这点已经达成共识了 我们应该各种层面上保持与朋友的联系

4人英语对话和会话篇4:City life and country life

B:Where would you like to find a job after graduation,in a big city or in a small town,the city dweller?

你毕业之后想在那里找工作呢?是一个大城市还是一个小镇呢 城里人?

D:As you know,I'm a city dweller,I have lived in the city since I was born,what's more,life is convenient compared with country

你看 我就是个城里人 我出生起就住在城市里 这里和乡下比起来更方便 C:Why do you think life is convenient compared with country?


A:Because there are better jobs,better medical care,and far more public places for enjoyment

因为这里有更好地工作 更好的医疗条件 还有更多的公共娱乐设施

B:Yeach,I agree with you.I think the traffic is convenient in cities,cars,buses and underground trains here can take us wherever we want to go

我同意你 我觉得城里交通更方便 地铁可以把你送到你想去的任何地方 C:Yes,it's true,but it can cause traffic jams easily living in city

那倒是真的 不过城里也更容易交通堵塞

C:What's more,it's nosier and dirtier than the country.People,rushing and breathing all that polluted air with angry faces, which do you prefer,the expert?

还有 城里比乡下更吵更脏 人们怒气冲冲的呼吸着污染的空气赶路 你要这样么 专家

B:I'm majoring in nature,I think I prefer country life.Everything in country is quieter,more peaceful and less quick.The most important thing is that I can smell the fresh air in every morning

我学自然的 我也喜欢乡村生活 在乡下什么都很宁静 平和 安详 最重要的事情是我每天早上可以呼吸到新鲜空气

D:Maybe we will want to live in the city when we are young,and posses a villa in the country when we are old.The也许在年轻的时候我们喜欢住在城市里 当我们老去就更喜欢乡村生活


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