50字左右哲理美文摘抄 蕴含哲理英语美文摘抄



空闲时光 度假

I haven't had a vacation in a while.

I think I'll take off soon.

I'm not sure where I'll go or what I'll do.

But I can learn a tourism place where I can go for a long road,

breathe fresh air and take some nice pictures.

When I was a kid, I really look forward to vacations.

Some of vacations were the best.

It was care free time.

As I became older, and I have to pay for my vacations.

Planning became important.

Time and money are always the big issues.

After having a family of my own, vacations are more complicated.

If I go, my boss to said to when.

My wife to said to where, and my kids to said how.

A vacation is supposed to be a time when you get away from work and recharge.

It's a time to see something new.

It's a time to extend your horizons, especially if you travel.

50字左右哲理美文摘抄 蕴含哲理英语美文摘抄

But it's easy for the opposite to happen.

You can come back from a vacation feeling really tired.

You can finish a vacation thinking “I can't wait to get back to work.”

And rather than extend your horizons,

you might merely dipping your bad.

Vacations aren't cheap.

It's been a while since to have a vacation.

I might take one soon.


责任 自由 选择

I love choices.

I love to walk around in bookstores-not because I can buy all the books,

but because I could buy one book, and I have so many to choose from.

I like buffets(自助餐).

I rarely get to go to them, but when I do,

the first thing I do is walk around and see what the choice are.

I also like the internet.

It seems like cyberspace really doesn't have any limits.

There are so many things to discover--- like space.

Sometimes, I think we don't appreciate the freedom that we have.

We are free to make many different choice.

From the food we eat--- to the places we visit--- to the people we meet--- to the classes we take and on and on and on.

But freedom has dangers. If misused, it can be harmful.

I could pile a mountain of food on my plate and NOT to eat it.

It would be a waste. But that's a choice I have.

The Internet has dangers, too.

If parents are not careful and don't supervise what their kids can see--- well kids can lose some of their innocence because of freedom.

There's a reason for legal age limits when it comes to driving, gambling, drinking, somking, and voting.

Until we reach that age, we aren't free to do those things.



Sometimes I forget why I'm doing, what I'm doing.

Have you ever done that?

I'm not just talking about a memory problem, although that's possible too.

I have called someone because I want to tell them something.

And then, after just choosing the place for a while, not talking about anything particular.

Well, I forget why I called that person in the first place.

That's a memory problem.

I guess that counts too.

But I'm talking about a deeper problem, a bigger, why?

At one point, there was a reason we do something.

For long-term projects, we need to remind ourselves of that reason.

It's always could to ask ourselves why.

Why did I start to learn a language?

Why did I join this club?

Why my friend was this person?

Why did I get married?

If we get lost in the doing, in the living, in the everyday of being, then we can not say why.

I think we need indeed remind us of why.

Or else it's tough to finish what we started.

We stop starting. We quit the club.

We end our friendships. Our marriages get damaged.

There's nothing wrong with asking why.

In fact, sometimes I think it can be very healthy and help we appreciate what you have and what you are doing.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/244561/847486239.html


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