


Key Sentences(重点句子)

213.Where would you like to sit?


214.We would like a table by the window so that we can en-joy the view of the lake.


215.I'm sorry, sir. The window tables have all been taken.


216.What about one that is further back but still offers a view of the lake?


217.Would you follow me,please?


218.It's number 14 and your waitress will be with you right away.


219.I'm sorry,the house is full now.


220.But if you would like to wait you are more than welcome to do so.


221.And it is on…?


222.Now would you please take a seat and wait over there?


223.We will have you seated as soon as we get a free table.


224.Would you come this way,please?


225.I'm sorry to say that we haven't got any vacant seat at resent.


226.Would you please wait in the lounge for about five minutes?


227.I'm sorry to have kept you waiting,sir and madam.


228.Would you step this way,please?


Dialogue A

Seating Hostess:How many,please?

Mr.Morris:Two on Mr.Morris.

Seating Hostess:Where would you like to sit?

Mr.Morris:We would like a table by the window so that we can enjoy the view of the lake.

Seating Hostess:I'm sorry,sir.The window tables have all been taken.What about one that is further back but still offers a view of the lake?

Mr.Morris:That's fine if that is what you've got.

Seating Hostess:Thank you.Would you follow me,please?This is your table.It's number 14 and your waitress will be with you right away.

Busboy:Your iced water.

Mr.and Mrs.Morris:Thank you.

Dialogue B

Seating Hostess:Good evening,sir.I'm sorry,the house is full now.But if you would like to wait you are more than welcome to do so.

Guest A:How long do you think we will have to wait?

Seating Hostess:I'd say at least 20 minutes.

Guest B:(to guest A)Oh,that's too long.I think we'd better try another place.

Guest A:OK.Thank you anyway.

Guest C:(to guest D)We can wait 20 minutes,Lucy,can't we?

Guest D:Yes,20 minutes is all right. We are not terribly hungry.

Seating Hostess:Good.So it's just the two of you.

Guest C:Yes, just we two.


Seating Hostess:And it is on…?

Guest C:Mr.Rogers.

Seating Hostess:OK.Thank you. Now would you please take a seat and wait over there? We will have you seated as soon as we get a free table.

Guest C and D:Thank you.

(after a little more than 10 minutes)

Seating Hostess:Mr.Rogers?

Guest C:Yes,here.

Seating Hostess:Would you come this way,please? Here is your table.Please take your seats.Your waiter will be right with you.

Guest C and D:Thank you.

Dialogue C

(A:Waiter B:Guest)

A:Good evening,sir and madam. Welcome to our restaurant.Have you a reservation,sir?

B:I'm afraid I haven't. Have you a table for two?

A:I'm sorry to say that we haven't got any vacant seat at present.Would you please wait in the lounge for about five minutes.I'll seat you if the table is ready.

B:It sounds nice.Nancy,let's go to the lounge then.(Five minutes later.)

A:I am sorry to have kept you waiting,sir and madam.Now we have a table for you.Would you step this way,please?

B:(Mr.Smith suddenly catches sight of a table near the window.) May we sit there a table by the window?

A:Oh, that table has been reserved.

B:It's a pity.

A:Well, the table in the corner is quite good.It's near the band platform.There will be a performance during the meal time.You could enjoy it comfortably.

B:OK.I'll listen to you.

(The waiter pulls the chair out and helps Mrs.Smith to take the seat.)

A:Have you anything on mind what drinks you are going to have tonight?


A:I'll bring them to you right away.

Words and Expressions

vacant a.空的,闲的

lounge n.休息室

sprite n.雪碧


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/244461/68105362.html


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