Friends Standard 择友标准
Mary: hi, Larry, how was your weekend?
Larry: not bad. We had a get-together with friends from college. I haven't seen many of them since gradution. How about you?
M: great. I hung out with jo all day shopping, and the went out for dinner together.

L: sounds a good weekend. You know it always amazes me that two people as different as you and Jo can become such close friends.
M: yeah, I never thought we could be good friends either. We have our differences. She's more outgoing and active while I am more quiet and reversed, but we still get along extremely well. We can talk for hours about anything.
L: that's great. I know people who can't stand each other for even five minutes.
M: when Jo and I are together, we argue a lot, but that's also part of the fun. Besides, I know she will always be there for me when I need her, and she knows I'll be there for her.
L: it seems you two bring out the best of one another.