英语双人情景幽默对话 英文双人情景对话



M: What a lovely day, isn't it?

W: Yes, it's nice and bright.

M: I hope it stays like this.

W: I hope so too.

M: Is the weather usually like this here?

W: It's usually a bit hotter than today.

M: What's the weather like in winter?

W: It's pretty cold and it often snows.

M: I wonder what it’s going to be like tomorrow?

W: Let's hear the weather report later. What's the weather like in your hometown?

M: Neither too cold, nor too hot.

W: That's quite a lovely weather.

M: Yes, especially in spring.

W: Have you ever seen a hurricane?

M: Once, when I was a child.

W: Do they often happen in your country?

M: Now and then.

W: Oh, it's time for the weather reporter. Let's turn on the TV.


W: Lousy weather, isn't it?

M: It has stopped snowing, but it's even colder.

W: Look at the ice there hanging from the eaves.

M: And the streets are covered with snow.

W: Do you know what the temperature is today?

M: I missed today's weather forecast over the TV.

W: It feels like ten degrees below zero at least. I don't mind the cold weather but I do hate it when it gets slippery.

M: The ice will soon be thick enough for skating. I am so fond of winter sports.

W: That's great. Let's go skating together tomorrow.


M: Did you hear how cold it got last night?

W: I heard the radio announcer say it was 18 degrees below zero.

M: It was so cold this morning. I could hardly start my car.

W: My car didn't want to start either at first.

M: Don't you have a garage?

W: Not in the new apartment. We have to leave the car in the parking lot.

M: How much antifreeze did you put in your new car then? You must have to keep it well below zero.

W: I do. Right now I have it protected up to 30 below zero.

M: Does it ever get that cold on here?

W: Not really. It sometimes gets to 20 below.

M: Speaking of cold, how about going for a cup of coffee to warm up.


A: Good afternoon, sir. Please sit here.

B: A haircut and a shave, please.

A: How would you like your hair cut, sir?

B: Short on both sides. Not so much off at the back.

A: Very well, sir. Do you want me to trim your beard?

B: Yes, please.

A: Now have a look, please. Is it all right?

B: Well. I would like my hair cut shorter on the temples.

A: Is that satisfactory?

B: Yes, thanks.

A: Do you want conditioner?

B: No, thanks. But I'd like a facial massage.

A: Yes, sir.

B: Now where should I pay the money?

A: You should go to the counter, just over there.

英语双人情景幽默对话 英文双人情景对话


M: Oh, my! It's really hot. I've never seen such scorching weather in my life.

W: Tell me about it! It's like the whole world is broiling.

M: Oh, look at the thermometer! The temperature has hit 98.

W: I hope it's not gonna break into three digits

M: But it's already awfully close.

W: Well, I just hope it'll level off.

M: I guess you can’t do anything until after dark then.

W: I guess so. What else can we do? You can’t stay in the heat for long.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/243661/310434441.html


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