Some Arabic music seems to have as many as fourteen gradations within the octave.
and I think it's up to like 3 or 4 days a week now.
There are more than 20 amino acids that make up the biological polymers called proteins, so there are 20 choices of each amino acid at a position on a protein.
Cretan sheep are enumerated to the amount of 20,000.
And during the siege there were sixty-five balloon flights carrying two and a half million letters, weighing a grand total of 10,000 kilograms, so roughly about 20,000 pounds.
Here's one, "It is clear that the emergence of the hoplite was only the beginning of a lengthy process which certainly lasted more than a century, and may have lasted more than two centuries, leading to the creation of a close ordered hoplites only phalanx.
Up to half the eggs of young women and up to 75% of those in women over 39 have abnormalchromosomes.

Therefore, it might be necessary for those in the areas with highest radiation levels to shelterfor up to a month.
Today, most of our clients have morphed into as many as four new clients.
Some environments have as many as five, including demo/training and stress/integrationenvironments.
Up to a quarter of what governments spend on medicines each year is lost to fraud, bribery anddiversion of pharmaceuticals, says the World Health Organization.
They say it could one day replace Nasa’s Space Shuttle to transport up to 12 tonnes of cargoand astronauts to the International Space Station.
It can recognize and remember up to ten faces and use its eight separate electronic ears tounderstand human voices even in noisy situations.
Up to 65 percent of gaming now is social, played either online or in the same room with peoplewe know in real life.
The result of this could be that American output grows by as much as 4% next year.
Without money or prospects, some have turned to crime, helping to swell a prison populationestimated to be up to 70% Muslim.
As Congress resumes this week, the bill now undergoes review by as many as eightcommittees, which could all attempt to put their stamp on the bill.
Even with antibiotic treatment, at least 10% of patients die and up to 20% have seriouspermanent health problems as a result of the disease.
I work at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism where we have documented the killing of more than 175 children and as many as 600 other civilians inside Pakistan by the CIA.
您会在48小时之内得到回复,而请求如果批准的话,您的应用程序将被允许每小时发出多达20,000 个请求。
They get back to you within 48 hours, and, if approved, your application is allowed up to 20,000requests per hour.
You can have up to 100 collaborators building your engine with you.
A research team from the University of Colorado used satellite data to estimate that the ice sheet will lose up to 48 cubic miles by 2050.
We now estimate that as many as 150 000 people are at extreme risk, if a major diseaseoutbreak in the affected areas occurs.
Should Congress pass a law controlling carbon dioxide emissions and the new technologyproves economically feasible, the company says, it could then move to capture as much as 90 percent of the gas.
Polls show that up to half of Americans support the demonstrators or at least believe theyreflect public opinion.
Certain infections cause up to 20% of cancer deaths in low- and middle-income countries and9% of cancer deaths in high-income countries.
For example, up to 70% of women and a significant proportion of men with gonococcal and/orchlamydial infections experience no symptoms at all.
For example, up to 70% of women and a significant proportion of men with gonococcal and/orchlamydial infections experience no symptoms at all.