高中英语诗歌欣赏课 优秀高中英语诗歌阅读与欣赏



What Is a Dad

A Dad is a person

Who is loving and kind

And often he knows

What you have on your mind

He's someone who listens,

Suggests, and defends

A dad can be one

高中英语诗歌欣赏课 优秀高中英语诗歌阅读与欣赏

Of your very best friends!

He's proud of your triumphs,

But when things go wrong,

A dad can be patient

And helpful and strong.

In all that you do

A dad's love plays a part

There's always a place for him

Deep in your heart.

And each year that passes,

You're even gladder,

More grateful and proud

Just to call him your dad!

Thank you,Dad

For listening and caring

For giving and sharing

But,especially, for just bing you!


The Lost Love

William Wordsworth

She dwelt among the untrodden ways beside the springs of dove.

A maid whom there were none to praise, and very few to love.

A violet by a mossy stone, half hidden from the eye!

Fair as a star, when only one is shining in the sky.

She lived unknown, and few could know, when lucy ceased to be.

But she is in her grave, and oh, the difference to me!










Love is like magic

and it always will be,

For love still remains

life's sweet mystery.

Love works in ways

that are wondrous and strange

And there's nothing in life

that love cannot change!

Love can transform

the most commonplace

Into beauty and splendor

and sweetness and grace.

Love is unselfish,

understanding and kind,

For it sees with its heart

and not with its mind.

Love is the answer

that everyone seeks...

Love is the language

that every heart speaks.

Love can't be bought,

it is priceless and free,

Love, like pure magic,

is life's sweet mystery!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/243361/136513486.html


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