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Brushing and Flossing

Kevin had just finished dessert. It was a piece of dark chocolate, washed down with a glass of cold milk. Delicious! He rinsed his mouth out with a glass of water, and then spit into the kitchen sink.

He sat down at the dining room table and grabbed some floss. He carefully flossed his top teeth and then his bottom teeth. Flossing was a chore. The floss almost always got stuck between two teeth in the upper back and two teeth in the lower front. Finally finished, he threw thefrayed floss into the trash.

He went into the bathroom and grabbed his electric toothbrush. TV ads always show people putting toothpaste onto the entire length of the brush. Of course, that was to get them to use up thetube faster so they’d have to buy another tube sooner. Kevin put just a little toothpaste onto the brush. He brushed for about a minute.

He spent another 30 seconds brushing his tongue. Then he spit out all the toothpaste, and gargled and spit again.

Brushing and flossing are such a pain, he thought. If they can put a man on the moon, why can't they invent something easier and faster than toothpaste and dental floss?


The Pile of Paper

Sammy looked at the pile of paper on the floor. Whenever he finished reading his mail or a newspaper or magazine, he threw it into this pile. This was his recycling pile. At the moment, it was almost two feet high. It was time to recycle.

He squatted down, protecting his back. Sometimes, just sitting down would cause his back to go out for a week. He scooped his hands under the pile and slowly stood up.

He walked over to his front door. Hands full, he struggled to turn the doorknob and open the door. He walked outside and down the stairs. So far he hadn't dropped one piece of paper. He walked to the blue trash bin.

There was no way to lift the lid of the recycling bin with his hands full. He carefully put the pile of papers down and then opened the lid. The bin was completely full. Damn, he swore.

Sammy gathered the pile into his arms and trudged back upstairs. Pleased that he still had not dropped any paper, he lowered the pile back onto the floor. Then he stood up, but just a little bit too fast.


The Loose Button

George wore a pair of blue shorts around the house. They were old, faded, and ugly, but they were comfortable. And when you are at home, you want to be comfortable. It wouldn't be called "Home, Sweet Home" if you didn't feel comfortable there.

But when he put on his blue shorts one morning, the button was just hanging on by a thread. That single button was the only thing that held his shorts up.

George could do two things. He could wait until the button fell off. When that happened, it would probably roll under the sofa and be lost forever. Or, he could sew the button on securely before it fell off.

He found his sewing kit. He threaded the needle and tied a knot at the end of the thread. Then he started the needle through the cloth. He directed it through one of the holes in the button. Then he reversed direction. He put the needle back through a different hole, and then through the cloth again.

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He repeated this motion through all four button holes until the button was tight. Then he tied a bunch of knots in the last bit of thread and snipped off the excess thread. He put on the shorts and buttoned the button. It was strong.

Good for another ten years, he smiled to himself.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/243261/468303715.html


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绘本阅读《最想做的事》 儿童绘本故事在线阅读

昨天,我们一起读了一本非常优秀的绘本《最想做的事》。因为时间紧张,真的只是看着画面,听着音乐,匆匆听老师念了一遍,连讨论的时间都没有。令我感动的是,下课铃声打响了,孩子们却依然那样安静地听着故事,结束后,还有孩子跑到 我身边念叨:“就

英文原版绘本系列----barkgeorge 英语绘本 原版

上周五听了sweetie老师的绘本学习,也是收获颇丰啊!Bark George这本绘本我是先让妞妞看到的动画,她觉得非常有意思,一下就我放了4遍。她还要继续看,可是纠结看太久又怕伤眼睛,所以答应她把这本书打印出来看。今天晚上的睡前故事就是读的这

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