去餐厅吃饭的英语对话 餐厅吃饭的英语会话



Waiter: Are you ready to order now?

Guest: Yes.

Waiter: What would you like for your main dish?

Guest: One garden salad and one beef steak is ok.

Waiter: Ok, then which kind of salad dressing do you like?

Guest: French dressing.

Waiter: And how would you like your steak done?

Guest: Steak with black pepper sauce, medium well.

Waiter: Wait a moment please.

去餐厅吃饭的英语对话 餐厅吃饭的英语会话

Waiter: Ok, and anything else, sir?

Guest: May I have a glass of red wine, please?

Waiter: Of course.

Guest: And that’s all, thank you.


-Good evening, sir. A table for two?

-Yes, by the window, please.

-This way, please.

-Thank you.

-Good evening, please take your seats, gentlemen. Here are the menus. Would you like to order an aperitif?

-I'll have a Campari and soda. What about you?

-A medium dry sherry, please.

-Thank you. Here we are. One medium dry sherry and a Campari and soda. Are you ready to order now, gentlemen?

-No, we are still looking at the menu. Maybe you should recommend something for the main course?

-Certainly. The T-bone steak is very good. I would suggest that you try this.

-That's a good idea. I love beef steak, I'll have the T-bone steak.

-How would you like it cooked?

-Medium well

-And what will your vegetables be?

-Mushrooms and Carrots

-And what would you like for your appetizer?

-I'll have hors d'oeuvres and the baked salmon.

-Thank you, sir. What about you, sir?

-I'll start with the hors d'oeuvres followed by sole.

-What would you like to follow?

-What is this Noisettes Milanese exactly?

-It's lamb cooked with herbs and served with spaghetti.

-That sounds very interesting, I'll try that.

-Mashed, boiled or baked potato?


-And what will your vegetable be?

-Some spinach, please.

-Thank you.

-Good Evening, gentleman! Your wine list.

-Thank you. Let's see what they're got for us.

-I can recommend the white Chablis, sir. It's very popular.

-OK, a bottle of the Chablis. How about you, Jim?

-Bring me some mineral water, please.

-Certainly, sir


Head Waiter:Good evening,sir.Do you have a


Customer:I am afraid not.

H.W:Just a moment,please.

H.W:I'm very sorry,we're full now.Would you mind waiting about ten minutes,sir?

C:No,I don't mind.

H.W:Here is the chair,sir.

C:Thank you.

H.W:I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting,sir.

C:Okay?Thank you.

H.W:This way,please.

C:Thank you.

H.W:Is this table all right?

C:Yes,good.I don't have much time tonight.I have to see my friend at eight thirty in the lobby.

H.W:Is that right,sir?


C:Thank you.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/243061/87553502.html


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