


1.How do you go to school, Sarah?

Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike.

2.How can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus.

3.Can I go on foot? Sure, if you like.

4.Where is the cinema, please? It’s next to the hospital.

5.Is it far from here? No, it’s not far.

6.Thank you. You’re welcome.

7.Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left.

8.What are you going to do on the weekend?

I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.

9.Where are you going this afternoon? I’m going to the bookstore.

10.What are you going to buy? I am going to buy a comic book.

11.When are you going to the bookstore?

I’m going to the bookstore at 3 o’clock.

12.How are you going to the bookstore?

I’m going to the bookstore by bus。

13.What’s your hobby? I like collecting stamps.

14.What’s his hobby? He likes collecting stamps.

15. What’s her hobby? She likes collecting stamps.

16.Does she teach English? No, she doesn’t.

17.Does she teach you math? Yes, she does.

18.What does your mother do? She is a TV reporter.

19.Where does she work? She works in a school.

20.How does she go to work? She goes to work by bus.

21.What are you going to be? I’m going to be an engineer.

22. Who is she? She’s my aunt.

23.Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.

24.How can the water become vapour?

The sun shines, and the watert becomes vapour.

25.How do you do that? Put the seeds in the soil.

26.What should you do then? Water them.


1.This is the water cycle. The rain comes from the cloud.

The cloud comes from the vapour. The vapour comes from the water.

The water comes from the rain.

2.种花:Put the seeds in the soil. Put the pot in the sun.

Water them. Wait for a sprout. Wait for a flower to grow.

3.种树:Dig the soil. Put the plant in the soil. Water it.

Wait for the plant to grow.


4.种玉米:Dig the soil and put the seeds in the soil. Water them.

We can see a sprout. We can see a plant. We can see the corn.


1. --- How tall are you?

--- I'm 164 cm tall.

2. You are shorter than me. 3. You're 4 cm taller than me.

4. --- How heavy are you? --- I'm 48 kg.

5. I'm thinner than you, and shorter.

6. --- What's the matter with you? --- My throat is sore. / My nose hurts.

7. --- How do you feel? --- I feel sick.

8. How are you, Liu Yun? You look so happy.

9. How are you, Sarah? You look sad today.

10. --- What did you do last weekend? --- I played football.

11. --- Did you help them clean their room? --- Yes, I did.

12. --- What did you do yesterday? --- I went fishing.

13. --- Did you read book? --- Yes, I did.

14. --- Did you clean your room? --- No, I didn't.

15. --- Where did you go on your holiday? --- I went to Xinjiang.

16. --- What did you do there? --- I sang and danced with my new friends.

17. --- How did you go there? --- I went by train


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/242961/795307064.html


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