人口问题英语作文 有关人口问题的初中英语作文



It has been estimated that a thousand years ago there were less than 400 million people on earth. However, in the recent thousand years human population has increased nearly 20 times. Nowadays the world population has reached more than 7000 million. The population.

First, a lot of people can't get employment, which is a universal problem in the world. Second, in developing countries there are not enough shelters for too many people and so some people are not properly housed and even are exposed to the elements. Third, in underdeveloped countries a lot of people suffer from hunger because of food shortage, which in turn causes many other problems, malnutrition, disease, etc. Fourth, there are not enough schools for so many people and so a lot of people are illiterate.

Therefore, to eliminate these problems, human beings should take effective measures to control population.


Nowadays, millions of migrant workers flock into cities in search of jobs and better living. However, with the sharp rise in the urban population, many problems arise in the development of cities.

Firstly, cities become more and more crowded, putting much pressure upon transportation, housing, sanitation, education, employment and so on. City services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point. Secondly, a growing number of private cars emit huge amount of carbon dioxide, leaving the air mercilessly polluted. What is more, the city is also threatened by rising crime. Not a single day passes without the report of someone being robbed, kidnapped or murdered. Last but not least, city-dwellers are not only separated from the natural world but also isolated from each other, even not knowing the name of their next-door neighbor.

All these problems have harmed the attractiveness of the city. Unless there is some improvement, more and more people may seek to live in the suburbs.






Nowadays,population as well as environment has become a very important problem.

With the development of China ,the population is growing faster and faster,though,Chinese government has put forward strageties, such as ,one child policy.But at the same time ,the increase has slown down,which is to our relief.

As for the environment,the biggest problem is that people do damage to it and seldome do they protect.So,we would like to say,if they still don·t stop those silly mistakes made to destroy the environment,one day ,human beings will be the last creature in the world. Protect the environment!Our earth is our mother for all of us.



人口问题英语作文 有关人口问题的初中英语作文




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/242961/274346733.html


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