环境保护措施英语对话 保护环境的英语对话


保护环境的英语对话:Tree Fighters

Cheryl: So, who are some of the people who are fighting to protect these trees besides you as an environmental scientist?


Nick: Well, in Tasmania, the first green political party was developed, so yeah, they obviously want toprotect the forests a lot, and have big protests, tie themselves to trees. Sit up in trees to protect the trees.


Cheryl: People actually still do that? Tie themselves to trees?


Nick: Oh, everyday in Tasmania.


Cheryl: Oh, really?


Nick: It's a big issue. A very big issue.


Cheryl: That's interesting. I once heard of a girl who lived in a tree for a month because she wanted to stop the deforestation company or people from taking down that tree, so she lived up there and she had people bring her supplies but she never came down.


Nick: That happens in Tasmania as well. There's people today which are up in trees, maybe up to fifty which permanently live up in trees.


Cheryl: Wow!


Nick: Yeah, so. I don't know how they do it.


Cheryl: That's kind of crazy ... So Nick, from the companies point of view, playing the devil's advocatehere, I think they provide jobs for all the people who are working to make trees into paper. What do you think they have to say about that?


Nick: Well, it's true, they do provide jobs, and some cities, some small towns do rely on logging industry to provide jobs and support the shops in the place, but ...


Cheryl: But!


Nick: But! Yeah. So tourism is a very big industry in Tasmania, and maybe the logging industry takes away tourists jobs as well, because it makes certain areas not useful for tourism anymore, not very pretty.


Cheryl: Yeah, you're right. If the whole forest is missing, I guess nobody would really want to go and look at anything.


Nick: Yeah, there're some really beautiful spots in Tasmania which have been many tarnished a little by the logging industry.


环境保护措施英语对话 保护环境的英语对话



i think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution.



yes, i agree. the air here is much more polluted than in my country. of course, my country is more agricultural and has much less industry.



we have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years, but cars are still a major source of them. factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution law have been introduced.



G: Hi, KK, what are you reading? You look a little worried.

K: Hi, GJ, I’m reading a newspaper which shows the consumption of electricity in our country. It’s really horrible.

G: However, electricity plays a very important role in our life today. we can’t live without it. For instance, electric lights, radio, televisions, and telephones . it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them. K: What you said is quite reasonable, but if we don’t save energy consciously, the world’s energy will be used up.

G: I think we should do something to lower it. Firstly, we can turn down the heat a few degrees in winter, it still able to keep the house warm. Secondly, in order to save energy, we can dry our clothes on the balcony or in the open air. K: That sounds great. But I also have some good ideas. We should make sure the lights are off before leaving the room, and use less electrical products and take out the charger after charging cellphone.

G: Well, Why don't we use more renewable energy? Such as solar energy, wind energy and biomass energy.

K: That sounds good. Besides, We can organize some public benefit activities related to energy conservation to enhance people's awareness of energy saving .

G: Good idea. That would probably help a lot. I’m looking forward to these measures can save energy effectively.

K: Me too!


A:our earth is so polluted,animals’s natural habitats are destroyed.

B: It istrue, more and more species will extinct in the near future. Global Warming has became one of the world’s most serious issues.

A: Guys,as environmentalists council members in our school, we have to do something about it!

B: how?

A: we have to protect our environment, species .there are many things we can do, little things to make our world better!

B: yes! I’ve heard of them!reduce, recycle, reuse, is it? Reduce energy consumption, recycle papers, plastic, bottles, glass, and reuse papers, or other materials!

A: oh now I get it!i’ve just came up with a plan!want to hear it?

B: of course,can’t wait, what is it?

A: it is actually a plan.we will make cards, and signs saying “preserve the environment!”make a list of things people can do ,don’t make it long!stick those signs in school!

B: What about me?

A: you will be in charge of recycling papers and stuffs at school and at home. can you do that?

B: of course I can. By the way, I will tell all of my friends and neighbors and family members about preserving the environment.

A: fantastic!

B: what about you?

A: I will give a speech at our school’s upcoming assembly representing our council. It is about reducing energy consumption, encouraging people using solar power.

B: oh wow!that gives me an idea.i will talk to the principal about applying solar energy into our school!

A: your idea is so smart. Ok, we don’t have time much time left, let’s get started!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/242561/707189025.html


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