七年级下册英语听力 七年级下册英语文章听力



听力原文 Ⅰ.

1. Linda wants to join the music club. 2. Jim usually gets up at 6:45.

3. Selina often takes a shower in the morning. 4. My favorite subject is math. It’s interesting. 5. Lana likes playing the guitar very much. Ⅱ.

6. Alice, nice to meet you. 7. How do you spell“eraser”? 8. Where’s my book? Can you see it? 9. Does Jack like strawberries? 10. What’s your favorite sport? Ⅲ.

M: Good evening, Ann. W: Good evening, Andy.

M: I know you are an English teacher. And many students like you very much. Can I ask you some questions? W: Sure.

M: When is your birthday? W: It’s December 21.

M: You look healthy. Do you often do sports?

W: Yes. I like running best. I also like basketball, soccer, ping-pong, and baseball. M: But do you have much time to play sports every day?

W: Yes. I run to school in the morning and run back home in the afternoon. I play sports with my students after class. M: Wow! You’re a good runner!

W: Yes. I want my students to do more sports, too. It’s good for them. M: I think so.


Tom is an American boy. He is from New York.His father, Mr Brown, and mother, Mrs Brown, both work in Beijing now. So he studies in No.61Middle School in Beijing. He usually goes to school at 7:10 every morning. At school, Tom’s favorite subjects are science and music. He thinks they are very interesting. He doesn’t like math. He thinks it’s too boring. After school, Tom usually plays soccer and basketball with his Chinese friends. On weekends, Tom often goes to the movies with his parents.



46—55 old, school, help, difficult, favorite, because,

七年级下册英语听力 七年级下册英语文章听力

best, playing, movies, are




1.Lin Tao gets up at 6:30 every day.

2.There are many things in the supermarket.

3.The girls are buying pens.

4.Bill is playing basketball.

5.The boys are carrying a big box.


6.Is this pen cheap or expensive?

7.Can I have a hag of milk?

8.What’s the name of the supermarket?

9.How much orange juice do you want?

10.What day is it today?


11.M:Mum,what do we have for lunch today?

W:What about rice and fish?

M:Rice and fish?OK,fish is my favourite.And some tofu.

W:OK. I must buy some now.

Q:What do they have for lunch today?

12. M:How much is it?

W:Seven yuan a kilo.

M:It’s too expensive. I won’t buy it.

Q:Where are they talking?

13.M:Can I help you,madam?

W:Some tomatoes,please.

Q:What vegetable does the woman want?

14.W:Jim,what do we have for supper now?

M:Let me go and have a look.Oh,there’s only a little bread.

W:So we must buy some food tomorrow.

M:Yes,we must buy some fish,meat and chicken.

Q:What do they have for supper now`?

15.M:Hi,Lily!Get up quickly.It’s tune to go to school.

W:Why?Dad!It’s Saturday today.

M:Oh,yes,it’s Saturday.You have no classes today or tomorrow.

Q:When does Lily go to school?


Please come to Sandy’s shop.It’s for children.These bags are only thirty

yuan.Do you want to buy a sweater for your son?It’s only twenty-two yuan.And for girls,T-shirts in red,green and black are only fifteen yuan. What nice socks!

They’re only five yuan.




1. Her mane is Gina.

2. This is a cup.

3. The telephone is red.

4. He is Alan Miller.

5. My phone number is 278-79.


6. What’s your name?

7. I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you!

8. What’s your phone number?

9. What’s her last name?

10. What’s his first name?


11. M: My name is Jack. What’s your name?

W: I’m Jenny.

12. M: What’s her name?

W: Her name is Linda.

13. M: What color is the telephone?

W: It’s blue.

14. W: Hi, Frank! I’m Helen.

M: What’s your last name?

W: My last name is Brown.

15. M: What’s his name?

W: His name is Tony Smith.

M: What’s his phone number?

W: It’s 398-61.


1. This is my brother.

2. Is that your dog?

3. My son is five.

4. Those are my parents.

5. That’s my family photo.


6. Is this your sister?

7. Is Tony your friend?

8. Paul, this is Anna.

9. Spell your name, please.

10. What’s your last name?


11. M: Is that a map?

W: No, it isn’t. It’s a photo.

12. M: Is this your sister?

W: Yes. Her name is Linda.

13. M: Who is Coco?

W: She is Dale’s sister.

14. M: Hello! Are you Kim Miller?

W: Yes, I am.

M: I’m Alan Smith. Nice to meet you!

15. M: Hi, Jane! Is that your brother?

W: No, it isn’t. It’s my cousin, Tim.

M: What’s his phone number?

W: His phone number is 521-087.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/242361/716322673.html


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