西餐厅点餐英语对话 预订西餐厅的英语对话



Molly: Hello, Chunky Meat Restaurant, how may I help you?

Gordon: I'd like to make a reservation for tomorrow night if possible.

Molly: What time will you arrive?

Gordon: How about a quarter to eight?

Molly: I am terribly sorry, we are all booked up at that time. How about half past nine?

Gordon: Sure, that will be fine.

西餐厅点餐英语对话 预订西餐厅的英语对话

Molly: How many in your party?

Gordon: There will be four of us.

Molly: Smoking section or non-smoking section?

Gordon: Of course non-smoking.

Molly: Would you like a table or a booth?

Gordon: A soft booth, near a window, please.

Molly: How will you pay? Cash, check or charge?

Gordon: All I have is cash, is that all right?

Molly: No problem. Do you have any questions for us?

Gordon: What kind of food do you serve?

Molly: We are an upscale European restaurant.

Gordon: Thanks.

Molly: What name shall I put the reservation under?

Gordon: My name is Bubba Smith.

Molly: You are all set, Mr. Smith.

Gordon: Thanks a bunch.

Molly: Anytime.


Waiter: What would you like?


Guest: We'd like to have western food today.Could you tell us something about it?


Waiter: Sure.The first food you have is appetizer.foltow by a soup.Then you will have the main course.The last dishes are deserts.


Guest: Well,it's quite different from the Chinese food.



A: I'd like to reserve a table for three at 7:00 this evening.


B: Let me check. Hold on, please. Yes, that's fine. Smoking or nonsmoking area?


A: Nonsmoking, please.


B: All right. May I have your name?


A: My name is Zhong.


B: How do you spell that, sir?


A: Z-H-O-N-G.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/242261/491372887.html


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