
以下是小编整理的哲理类英语美文欣赏: 关于勇气,希望对你有所感触。

"So you think I'm courageous?" she asked.

"Yes, I do."

"Perhaps I am. But that's because I've had someinspiring teachers. I'll tell you about one of them.Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer atStanford Hospital, I got to know a little girl namedLisa who was suffering from a rare and seriousdisease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to bea blood transfusion from her five-year-old brother,who had miraculously survived the same disease andhad developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situationto her little brother, and asked the boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. Isaw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, 'Yes, I'll do it if itwill save Lisa.'

"As the transfusion progressed, he lay in a bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did,seeing the color returning to her cheeks. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He lookedup at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, 'Will I start to die right away?'

"Being young, the boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have togive her all his blood.

"Yes, I've learned courage," she added, "because I've had inspiring teacher."

--DanMillmanNotecourageous:勇敢的 inspiring:鼓舞的 transfusion:输血


1.Why does Lisa need a blood transfusion?

2.What does the author want to tell us?(答案请在下期每周精读中查找)





“也许吧,那是因为我有许多精神导师。我来讲给你他们其中的一位吧。多年以前,我在斯坦福德医院做义工的时候,认识了一个叫丽莎的小姑娘,她患了一种罕见的,极其严重的病。她唯一可能康复的机会就是从她五岁的弟弟那里移注血液。他曾奇迹般地从这种可怕的病魔手中逃脱,并产生了可以抵抗这种疾病的抗体。医生把姐姐的处境告诉了她的小弟弟,问他是否愿意给他姐姐输血。我看到他仅仅犹豫了片刻,便深深吸了一口气说:“ 如果这样可以救丽莎的话,我愿意。”

在输血的时候, 他躺在姐姐旁边的一张床上,看到她的面颊渐渐红润,他就跟我们一起微笑着。随后,他自己的脸色却变得苍白,笑容也渐渐消失了。他抬头看着医生颤声问到:“我是不是马上就要死了?”这个孩子太天真了,他误解了医生的话,以为要把他的血全部都输给姐姐。



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