dnf商人怎么白手起家 白手起家的商人给儿子的信


1. You'll find that education's about the only thing lying around loose in this world, and that it's about the only thing a fellow can have as much as he's willing to haul away. Everything else is screwed down tight and the screw-driver lost.

2.It isn't so much knowing a whole lot, as knowing a little and how to use it that counts.

3.You needn't write me if you feel yourself getting them.

4.This give you two weeks for a vacation - enough to make a sick boy well, or a lazy one lazier.

5. A business man's conversation should be regulated by fewer and simpler rules than any other function of human animal. They are:

Have something to say.

Say it.

Stop talking

6. The house isn't interested in knowing how you like your boss, but in how he likes you.

7.Get the scent in your nostrils and keep your nose to the ground, and don't worry too much about the end of the chase. The fun of the thing's in the run and not in the finish.

8. For your own satisfaction I will say right here that you may know you are in a fair way of becoming a good drummer by three tings:

First - When you send us Orders.

Second - More Orders.

Third - Big Orders.

9. When you're through sizing up the other fellow, it's a good thing to step back from yourself and see how you look. Then add fifty per cent. to your estimate of your neighbor for vitures that you can't see, and deduct fifty per cent from youself for faults that you've missed in your inventory, and you'll have a pretty accurate result.

dnf商人怎么白手起家 白手起家的商人给儿子的信

10. An ummarried man is a good deal like a piece of unimproved real estate - he may be worth a whole lot of money, but he isn't of any particular use except to build on.

11. Real buyers ani't interested in much besides your goods and your prices. Never run down yours. Don't get on your knees for business, but don't hold your nose so high in the air that an order can travel under it without your seeing it. You'll meet a good many people on the road that you won't like, but the house needs their business.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/241961/109405581.html


怎么白手起家创业 白手起家创业从何入手

一块钱,如何创造一个富翁?如何让自己在数以万计的人群中脱颖而出实现自己的人生价值? 步骤/方法靠信息导航市场信息,是白手起家的线索。要想在想象力和成功率上有超人效果,就要死死抓住信息,以便从市场的不同行业、位置,从顾客的生理

怎么白手起家创业 白手起家,如何创业成功?

只要你有干成大事业的欲望和白手起家的决心,选择你感兴趣的事业作为你终生奋斗的事业且目标明确,一心一意地坚持下去做,你就一定会成功。     中国现在尤其需要白手起家的英雄。经济的低迷,国有企业的不景气,下岗人员的增多,许多单位

怎么白手起家创业 白手起家创业必须具备的八大素质

身价在“ 10亿美元”以上的497名超级富豪中,竟有237名是白手起家!至于要如何成为富豪,学术界已经归纳出五大“秘诀”,除了发扬创意、眼光独到等外,还有“脸皮要特别厚”。美国作家福利森指出,要成为亿万富豪,有如下五大秘诀:懂得把伟大

怎么白手起家创业 白手起家要当心2个误区

 首先分析:你适合白手起家吗?   对白手起家的创业者来说,方法和技艺各有不同,但对能力、素质的要求通常是一致的。   1、广泛的社会关系   陈美峥大学毕业后来到武汉一家广告公司做业务员。有一次,公司派了几位男业务员去某

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