出国旅游英语口语对话 出国旅游常用英语口语对话



W: well,sir.we are asking all our guests to wear a jacket and a tie in our restaurant

M: is that so?i didn't know it,can i possibly borrow a jacket and a tie?

W: i am sorry,you can't borrow a jacket and a tie.

M: then we'll return to the hotel and come back,will you change the appointment

W: certainly,what time will you come back?

M: at 7,please.

W: how many in your party?

M: a party of 13.

W: alright,we are waiting for you at 7


M:I will have sole then.

W:All right, how about the other guests.

M:The rest of us will have this today's special, please.


M:I am sorry but I ordered sole not the same as the others.Will you change it?

W:I'm afraid we have no more sole.

M:Then I'll have the pork cutlet instead.

W:Certainly, just a moment, sir.


M:Excuse me,I"ve been waiting my main dish for quite a time.

W:Yes sir,just a minute,please.I"ll check with the kitchen.

(After a while )

W:Thank you for waiting.It takes another 10 to 15 minutes,I"m


M:I have an appointment in half an hour.

W:I see.

M:Do you have anything else I can have instead?

W:Well sir,yes.How abour this stew?We can serve you at once.

M:I"ll take this stew then.


M:Excuse me.We ordered too much. May we take the food home?

W:Yes, surely.

M:Do I have to pay extra charge for that?

W:No, you don't. It is free of charge.

M:Well,then, will you put this and that into doggie bags?

W:Certainly, would you wait for a few minutes?

M:Thanks. Woud you give me another favor?

W:Yes,what is it?

M:Some more Chinese tea for us, please.

W:Sure, I'll be back in a minute.

出国旅游常用英语口语对话:You add it up wrong

M:Will you bring our bill,please?

出国旅游英语口语对话 出国旅游常用英语口语对话

W:Yes,certainly.I'll be back in a minute.

Here you are.

M:Thanks.Let me see. I think there's a mistake on the bill here.

Would you mind checking ,please?

W:Of course not. Let me check.Oh,you seem to be correct.

M:How about taxes service charge?

W:Only ten percent of taxes included in the bill .

M:Then 100 US dollars covers everything,doesn't it?

W:It sure does.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/241861/659444536.html


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