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Name: YJBYS sex: female date of birth: 92.7

Residence: Jiangsu Xuzhou Residence: Xuzhou District of Copper Mt.

Education: College: Chinese university one is graduated from Department of Nankai University

Mobile phone: XXXXX e-mail: XXXX

Job intention

Position: secretarial office clerk

For Industry: real estate development company

Desired job type: full time

Time: one week after the interview notice

Education background

2010.09-2012.06 Chinese College of Nankai University

Lesson learned:

Secretary, secretarial writing, public relations practice, negotiation, interpersonal psychology, public relations, public relations, language application writing, political economics, philosophy, foreign cultural history, archives management, Chinese culture history.

Other training:

Has the human resources division three qualification at the same time, the English four levels, the standard of putonghua. And have the driving license.

Campus activities

1, during the period of school, served as the class secretary, organized the three student members of educational activities, get a mentor and classmates praise.

2, responsible for the Minister of Arts, culture art activities in their spare time, the backbone of the popularization of literature and art work, do a good job in the school, the new year's party, the successful organization of the art show, and other cultural activities in the farewell graduates and school, also to assume the literary activities of the organization and planning.

Social practice activities

大学生个人简历模板 大学生英文个人简历参考模板

2011.06-2012.01 XX Home Furnishing art customer service operations center in Xuzhou

Responsibilities: responsible for document management work, completes the attendance management of employees, and to assist people in charge of the important agenda, receiving and sending letters and express mail, the purchase of office supplies and other office affairs.

Personal skills.

Good at talking with others in English, is responsible for the university campus English corner. Also familiar with office software, served as editor of the post, for image processing, Photoshop software and typesetting software can be skilled operation.

Resume self evaluation

As a 90 graduating students, I have a strong personality characteristics of contemporary students self-confidence, I hope through my efforts to harvest my own career, I hope to start from the grassroots, because I know that success is all need to work steadily to struggle, so steadfast hard work is my working style in addition, I also have a college, unique warm and cheerful, active atmosphere in the company to improve the good help, so I hope my job can get your approval, as a member of the company, their contribution to a force for the development of enterprises, and I will be towards the occupation development goals.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/241661/627432484.html


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   大学生找工作个人简历模板   模板一:  基本资料  姓 名:YJBYS.COM  性 别:女  年 龄:23  婚姻状况:未婚  籍 贯:四川  现所在地:四川  求职意向  工作经验: 应届毕业生  意向岗位: 文字编辑;广告

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