初一英语笑话 初一英语笑话带翻译阅读

笑话诗对中国白话诗歌史、白话文学史,都有无可取代的价值和意义。 下面是小编带来的初一英语笑话带翻译,欢迎阅读!


Not Here

Kathy and Polly were friends but they liked playing tricks on each other

One day Kathy met Polly in the street. She said, "Hi, Polly. It's good to see you."

"How can you see me when I'm not here?" Polly asked.

"What do you mean, you' re not here?" Kathy asked. "Of course you 're here."

初一英语笑话 初一英语笑话带翻译阅读

"No, I'm not." Polly said. "and I'll bet you ten dollars that I can prove I'm not here."

"Alright," said Kathy. "Ten dollars. Now prove you' re not here ."

"Easy," Polly said, "Am I in Hong Kong?"

"No," said Kathy.

"Am I in Paris?"

"No," said Kathy.

"If I'm not in Hong Kong and I'm not in Paris," Polly said, " then I must be somewhere else. Right?"

"Right," said Kathy. "You must be somewhere else."

"Exactly." said Polly. "And if I'm somewhere else I can't be here, can I? Ten dollars, please. "

"That's very clever, Polly," Kathy said, "but I can't give you ten dollars."

"Why not?" asked Polly. "We had a bet.

"Certainly we had a bet," Kathy said, "but how can I give you ten dollars if you're not here?"

And with a laugh she walked away.


(1) trick n.恶作剧

(2) play a trick on sb.开玩笑;戏谑某人

(3) prove v.证明

(4) Hong Kong香港

(5) Paris巴黎(法国首都)



① Where did Polly and Kathy meet?

A. at school

B. on the train

C. in the playground

D. in the street

② Polly wanted to______ .

A. be friends with Kathy

B. bet on Kathy

C. make a bet with Kathy

D. give Kathy some money

③ What did Polly say she could do?

A. prove she wasn't there.

B. give Kathy ten dollars.

C. 90 to Paris.

D. prove she was in Hong Kong.

④ What did Kathy do?

A. She gave Polly ten dollars.

B. She proved she couldn't give Polly the money.

C. She was angry with Polly.

D. She refused the bet.

⑤ So from the story we can know _____.

A. Polly is very clever

B. Kathy is very clever

C. neither of them is very clever

D. both of them are very clever





















.A Midshipman

One of my fellow midshipmen at the U. S. Naval Academy was performing poorly in class and reported to his company officer for counseling., "Your marks are deplorable!" the officer scolded. "Is there a problem-that has kept you from studies?"

"No, sir," the midshipman replied. "I have no idea what the problem is. I study the notes I take, and I'm never late to class. I don't even talk in class, but for some reason my professors don't seem to like me.

The officer sat back and thought. Then he asked, "Do you get enough sleep?"

My classmate replied, "Sir, do you mean at night or in class?"


(1) midshipman n.海军军官候补生

(2) the U.S.Naval Academy美国海军学院

(3) perform v.执行;履行

(4) company n.连(队)

(5) counsel v.建议;劝告

(6) deplorable adj.可悲的;可怜的

(7) scold v.指责;责备



① The midshipman was doing well in his study.

② He went to his company officer to ask for advice.

③ The officer sang a high praise of him.

④ Professors didn't seem to like him because he was performing badly in class.

⑤ The reason why he was performing badly was probably that he often slept in class.









Thats What They All Say

While sitting on the bleachers during my youngest son's baseball game, I overheard another mother talking about her three-year-old daughter, who was playing with a neighbor's boy. The little girl kept saying to the boy, "Marry me. Marry me." The little boy innocently replied, "I want to play first."

At this, the mother turned to all of the parents on the bleachers and announced, "That's what they all say!"


(1) bleachers n.(美)运动场的露天看台

(2) baseball n.棒球

(3) keep doing不停地做

(4) innocently adv.天真无邪地



① While_____ on the bleachers during my youngest son's-baseball game _____ another mother talking about her three-year-old daughter.

② The little girl kept ______ to the boy, " Marry me. Marry me."

③ The little boy _____ replied, "I want to play first."

④_____ this, mother turned to all of the parents on the bleachers.

⑤We can see from the passage that little boys and girls are _____.





① sitting; overheard ② saying ③ innocently ④ At ⑤ innocent


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