灵活运用知识的作文 英语作文的句型的灵活运用





The Career I Pursue的主体段:

A variety of reasons have led me to choose this occupation over other more lucrative ones. First, teaching is learning. To make my lectures more interesting, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world-the very thing I like to do in my life. Second, teaching means freedom. As a teacher, I can freely express my opinions and explain them in my own way since nobody will interfere with me. Finally, I like teaching because it offers a certain peace of mind. No more rushing to catching a morning bus, no more anxiety to please a boss, and no more worries about being laid off because you are getting old.

文中有4个词的短句:First, teaching is learning. 也有27个词的长句:To make my lectures more interesting, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world-the very thing I like to do in my life. 有简单句,也有复杂句:As a teacher, I can freely express my opinions and explain them in my own way since nobody will interfere with me; 还有同位语句,断裂句,排比句,比较句等,因而文章读起来节奏感强。所谓句子变化,主要是指句子的开头要有变化,句子的结构要有变化,句子的长度要有变化。不要连续使用几个简单句,要学会使用复杂句。


a) Teenagers are pressured by school work. They are

also encouraged by their peers. Under such

circumstances, they resort to smoking. But sometimes

they feel a little guilty.

b) Pressured by school work and encouraged by their

peers, teenagers often resort to smoking, tough

they feel a little guilty sometimes.



a) Many people think birth control is quite necessary

in China.

b) It is widely/commonly thought/believed/held/accepted

that birth control is quite necessary in China.

a) More and more people agree

灵活运用知识的作文 英语作文的句型的灵活运用

that women should enjoy full equality with men.

b) There is a growing agreement

that women should enjoy full equality with men.

a) Many Chinese people have gone to the United

States in the past 15 years.

b) The past 15 years have brought many Chinese

people to the United States.

a) We almost forget this event.

b) This event is now almost fading from our memory.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/240961/829561574.html


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  俗话说:水火无情,这一点也没错,有多少例子可以证明,火灾是大多数在不经意的情况下就发生了。接下来,爱华网小编为你分享防火知识的作文600,希望对你有用。  防火知识的作文600篇1:  自从盘古开天,火是人类最伟大的发明。我们的

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  我相信只要大家多了解一些消防安全知识,平时多注意防火,许多悲剧就可以避免了。下面是爱华网小编整理的防火的知识的作文,欢迎阅读。  防火的知识的作文篇一:  火在生活中必不可少,但火灾也不时发生,消防安全重于泰山,为了防

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