小学英语小故事带翻译 关于小学英语故事带翻译

讲故事人人都会,但要讲好一个故事不容易,用英语讲故事就更不容易。对于小学生而言, 讲故事 的重点是培养学生对英语的兴趣。下面是小编带来的关于小学英语故事带翻译,欢迎阅读!


A lion on a lamb had settled down to sup. A mongrel pup about the royal board allowed to wander. Snatched almost from his claws a piece of meat down wander.

The king of beasts looked on, not minding in the least, for puppy was a young and foolish beast. Observing this, the wolf began to ponder, "This lion seems so meek, he must be very weak!"

He too put out a paw, some dainty snack to seek. But woe befell the sinner. He went to swell the lion's dinner.

"My friend," said Lion, as he calmly tore him up. "You saw me spare the dog, it's true. But so indulgent I should hardly be with you. He's young and stupid still, but you are not a pup."


The three happy brothers

There were three brothers.They each decided to find a precious treasure and meet a year later.

One year later, the three brothers gathered again. They each boasted about the treasure they had.

The oldest brother brought a telescope. "I found a telescope which can see far away."

The second brother brought a flying carpet." I found a flying carpet that can be anywhere."

The third brother said." I found an apple that cures all diseases."

The brothers were amazed at the treasures they found. "Let's see what we can do with our treasures now." The brothers all nodded.

The oldest brother looked through his telescope and saw a palace in the distance. A princess was lying in bed sick. The second opened his carpet and said. "Let's ride this carpet and go to the palace." The three brothers went to the palace on the flying carpet to save the sick princess.

The three brothers met the king and told him why they had some. The king said. "Howcommendable. If you cure the princess, I will let one of you marry the princess." The youngest brother gave the princess the apple he found..

The princess had been sick for a long time, but with one bite of the apple, she was cured.

The king hugged the princess with joy. "Okay, as promised,one of you can marry the princess." The brothers each wanted the other to marry the princess. No matter how pretty and princess was, the brothers thought their loyalty was more important.

The king was moved and gave them gold and silver and high positions. The three brothers lived happily ever after.


Pumpkin Cart of Seven Mice

Early autumn in the pumpkin garden, there came seven wide mice escaping from a big and terrifying cat. They rushed into green vines and leaves aplenty with big and round pumpkins.

The prideful cat hunted around like a chicken with its head cut off in vain and finally left in dismay.

"Hooray, we are safe now!"

When they came out, they were deeply attracted. The giant pumpkin leaves were as huge as the lotus leaves while the pumpkins were orange through a summer's sunlight.

The smallest mouse's nose jutted out and got very close to a pumpkin. He smelled with a smile: "Great, it's sweat! It must be the biggest pumpkin I've ever seen. I am hungry now. I guess it must be better in my belly!"

Other six mice were hungry to "Running costs energy!"

They rushed to the pumpkin and bit holes with their shape teeth. They ate, ate and ate not only the delicious meat but also the seed. Finally they stopped eating and felt good for their full and round bellies.

Then they burped and climbed out of the pumpkin. When they saw their great work, they all laughed: "Aha, look, the pumpkin has holes here and there!"

The smallest mouse suddenly had a good idea and shouted: "Why not roll it as a pumpkin cart. It must be very interesting!"

Other six mice all agreed:"Just do it!"

Then they all entered the pumpkin shell and pushed it ahead forcefully: "One, two, three, go!"

Just at that time, the cat unwilling to give up returned back.

When he saw such giant pumpkin rolled at him with bright eyes shining in holes and heard the deafening song, he screamed: "Ghost is coming!"

The cat ran away in fear and never came back.

All the mice cheered up and sang:

"Pumpkin cart, pumpkin cart,

小学英语小故事带翻译 关于小学英语故事带翻译

Orange and beautiful,

We are your great driver.

Pumpkin cart, pumpkin cart,

Giant and brave,

You can defeat the evil.

Pumpkin cart, pumpkin cart,

Belong to seven mice…"


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/240961/193508462.html


英语对话小故事带翻译 关于英语对话故事加中文翻译


英语对话小故事带翻译 关于英语对话故事带翻译

一般意义上的英语情景对话教学,是指教师为达到教学目标,通过学生分组,各自扮演相应的角色,在特定的场所(通常在教室)表现特定的故事情景。小编整理了关于英语对话故事带翻译,欢迎阅读!关于英语对话故事带翻译篇一Fill it up with n

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笑话能够折射出社会生活中的方方面面,它以一种幽默和嘲笑的方式使人们明白人生的哲理。小编精心收集了关于英语笑话故事带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!关于英语笑话故事带翻译:TWO HEARTS BEATINGNurse: How do you feel after your operat

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