
Babylon Hanging Garden
The Babylonian kingdom flourished under the rule of the famous King, Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC). It was not until the reign of the Neo-Babylonian dynasty that the Mesopotamian civilization reached its ultimate glory. Nebuchadnezzar II (604 -562 BC) is credited for building the legendary Hanging Gardens. It is said that the Gardens were built by Nebuchadnezzar to please his wife or concubine who had been "brought up in Media and had a passion for mountain surroundings".
古巴比伦王国在著名的国王汉误拉比(公元前1792-1750)的统治下曾经繁荣一时。但是直到新巴比伦王朝,美索不达米亚文明才达到了它的鼎盛时期。人们相信传说中的空中花园是由尼布甲尼撒二世(公元前 604年-562年)建造的。据传,尼布甲尼撒为了取悦于其在米底亚长大并对山景怀有深厚感情的王后或者是妃子而建造了空中花园。
While the most descriptive accounts of the Gardens come from Greek historians such as Berossus and Diodorus Siculus, Babylonian records stay silent on the matter. Tablets from the time of Nebuchadnezzar do not have a single reference to the Hanging Gardens, although descriptions of his palace, the city of Babylon, and the walls are found. Even the historians who give detailed descriptions of the Hanging Gardens never saw them. Modern historians argue that when Alexander's soldiers reached the fertile land of Mesopotamia and saw Babylon, they were impressed. When they later returned to their rugged. homeland, they had stories to tell about the amazing gardens and palm trees at Mesopotamia... About the palace of Nebuchadnezzar... About the Tower of Babel and the ziggurats. And it was the imagination of poets and ancient historians that blended all these elements together to produce one of the World Wonders.
虽然对花园最详尽的记述走出自 Berossus和 Diodorus Siculus等希腊历史学家笔下,但巴比伦的历史记录却对此事 只字未提。尽管在尼布甲足,撒时期存留下的各种书写板上发现了对他的宫殿、巴比伦城以及巴比伦的城墙的种种描述,但这些书写板上却没有一处捉到过空中花园。甚至那些对空中花园进行过详细描述的历史学家们也从没有亲眼目睹过它们。现代历史学家争论说:当亚力山大的士兵们到达了富饶的美索不达米亚地区并看到了巴比伦时,他们深为(眼前的美景)所震撼。当他们后来回到崎岖不平的家乡时,带回了有关美索不达米亚的令人惊叹的花园和椰子树…有关尼布甲尼撒的宫殿…以及有关巳别塔和金字型神塔的各种故事。是诗人和古代历史学家的想象力把这所有的元素混合在一起制造出了世界奇观之一。
It wasn't until the twentieth century that some of the mysteries surrounding the Hanging Gardens were revealed. Archaeologists are still struggling to gather enough evidence before reaching the final conclusions about the location of the Gardens, their irrigation system, and their true appearance.
The Pyramids
Built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at Giza, in the Egy ptian desert remain themost colossal buildings over constructed.The pyramids were built by Egyptians under theorders of the Egyptian leader, whose title was Pharaoh. There was a sequence of Pharaohsculminating around 2615 B.C., with the Pharaoh Cheops who built the biggest thing ever built,the Great Pyramid, also known as Khu fu. Cheops built a pyramid 770 feet on one side and481 feet tall. How ancient builders managed to build these massive structures has never beenfully answered but the effort clearly required brains and brown.
矗立在埃及沙漠中吉萨的三座大金字塔建于4,000年前,它们一直都是有史以来最宏大的建筑。金字塔是埃及人在他们的领袖——名为法老——的命令下建造的。在公元,前2615年左右,几任法老相继统治埃及,基奥普斯法老建造了有史以来最大的金字塔——大金字塔,也被称为胡夫金字塔。胡夫金字塔每边长 770美尺,高 481英尺。古代的建筑者是如何建造这些庞然大物的,这一直是个未解之谜,但很明显它需要付出大量的脑力和体力。
Was there engineering genius involved? Yes, there was. For example, when you' re pulling theblock right at the top, how are you going to lug a block of stone that weighs several tons 480feet up a structure? How are you going to do it, and how are you going to do it without leavingscratches on all the rest of the structure? And how many people does it take to drag a blockweighing several tons 480 feet up into the sky? Approximately, 2.3 million blocks of stone werecut, transported and assembled to create the Great Pyramid.
有工程天才的参与吗?是的,有。比如,当你要把一个石块放在顶端时,你该如何把一个几吨重的石块提升到 480英尺的高度呢?应该怎样做?怎么做才不至于在塔身留下刮痕?把几吨重的石块提举到 480英尺的高处又需要多少人力呢?为了建造大金字塔,人们切割、运输、垒砌了大约 230万块石头。
The Pharaohs may have set out to build magnificent tombs for themselves, but in the end theycreated monuments to human potential. There's a universal message in the pyramids. Thepyramids belong to Egypt, but the pyramids also belong to the world. That' s why we can allidentify the pyramids as an early monument of human greatness.
For being a man-made wonder that has survived the sands of time, the pyramids rise to thenumber two spot.
由于历经岁月的沧桑,金字塔位列十大人工奇观排行榜第 2名。
The Nile
The longest river in the world, the Nile, flows through the north-western area of Africa, andthen into the Mediterranean Sea.
Great civilizations have always flourished alongside rivers, bu t the Egyptian civilization, whichstarted on the Nile, is the most fascinating and mysterious in the history of mankind.
The Nile valley is a fertile one where there is an abundance of water and sun, elements whichthe ancient Egyptian believed were gods, they called the sun Amon and the Nile Apis.
足,罗河谷拥有充足的淡水与阳光,这二者被古埃及人奉为神灵,他们尊称太阳为 AMON,称尼罗河为APIS。
Memphis was the first great capital of Egypt, united as a single kingdom in the third millenniumB.C.. But the Nile burst its banks a few centuries ago, flooding the ancient capital.
The river however has given more than it has taken, enough to make Herodotus, the ancientGreek historian say: Egypt is a gift from the Nile.
The population on the Nile has grown at a dizzying rate, giving rise to a great metropolis ofthe size of Cairo the second most populous city in the world.
现在,尼罗河沿岸人口激增,首都开罗已经是世界人口最多的第 2大城市。
To see the swarming crowds in the capital it would seem that the lesson of Ramese II, whosecolossal stature is located near Cairo' s Central Station, is still alive in Egypt. Ramses II hadmore than a hundred children and in Egypt today a baby is born every 20 seconds. Thepopulation is very young and half of its 54 million inhabitants are under 20 years old.
看着熙来攘往的人群,仿佛又看到了莱比西斯二世的故事重现。他的塑像平已矗立在开罗中央车站。莱比西斯二世有一百多个孩子,而今天的埃及每 20秒就有一个新生命诞生。当地人口年轻化, 5千 4百万人口中,有一半不满 20岁。
These so I solemn slates are almost participants in modem life. You can almost find your ideasabout the Nile ref1ected in their eyes.