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A Daytime Robbery

Rod was a manager at House Depot. He worked about 50 hours a week. He loved his job, although the extra hours cut into the time he could spend with his three little girls. One morning he was supposed to go home at 7 a.m. Instead, he stayed on to help out for three more hours. He was just about to leave at 10 a.m. when he heard something.

At one of the checkout counters, he saw a man dressed in white painter’s coveralls pointing a gun at the female checker. He had on a yellow cap, a white plastic painter’s mask, and white gloves.

Rod hurried over. Times in Los Angeles had changed. All managers now received training on how to respond to armed robberies and hostage-taking. Rod was nervous, but he knew what he was supposed to do. He approached the gunman.

“Sir, please don’t point that gun. We will give you all the money you—”

The gunman didn’t even wait for Rod to finish his sentence. He shot Rod in the stomach. The checker screamed. The gunman ran out to a white van and hopped in. The van sped off.

Rod didn't even make it to surgery. The killing made all the TV news shows. House Depot offered a $100,000 reward.


A Bird Attacks

Heather loved the freedom of soaring high above the land and sea. She learned how to hang-glide from her boyfriend.

Initially, she was scared to death. The first time he took her up, she hung on for dear life. But by the end of that flight, she was hooked. Half a year later, she bought her own hang-glider.

Almost every weekend, she drove to Torrey Pines and leaped off the cliff. She could soar to La Jolla in less than five minutes. She liked to fly over the town. She would wave at kids pointing and looking up at her, and they would shout and wave back excitedly.

One day she was returning to the launch site when she noticed a red hawk rapidly approaching her. It briefly disappeared. Then she heard its claws ripping the wing’s fabric. It flew off. But the next thing she knew, it was flying straight at her. She turned out of its way, but it dove at her again. She was scared.

She had to evade its attacks four times before she was able to land safely. Even after she landed, it circled overhead, as if daring her to fly again. What did I do to you, she wondered.

As she drove home, she found out that she had been lucky. The radio news reported that in Australia, a hang-glider had been attacked by not one, but two, eagles.

Maybe it was something in the air, Heather thought.

短篇英语绘本故事大全 关于短的英语故事大全


Spock Saves His Dad

Spock is a main character in the popular TV show "Star Trek." He is half Vulcan, half human. A Vulcan has no emotions but is extremely smart and logical. Spock joined the all-human crew of the spaceship Enterprise to explore the universe. Spock’s dad, Sarek, is Vulcan. He had wanted Spock to attend the Vulcan Science Academy and then join Sarek’s research firm. When Spock left his family to join the Enterprise, Sarek refused to talk to him anymore.

In one episode, representatives from various planets had an emergency meeting. Sarek and Amanda (Spock’s human mom) came aboard the Enterprise. Spock said hello to his dad, but Sarek ignored him.

The next day, Sarek had a critical medical problem. He was losing a lot of blood and neededimmediate surgery. Spock was the only one on the Enterprise who also had Vulcan blood. Even though he could die, Spock offered every drop of his blood to save his dad. Dr. "Bones" McCoy operated on Sarek and saved his life.

The next day, when Sarek was told that his son had saved his life, he didn’t say thank you to Spock. Amanda got very angry with her husband. She told him that he should hug Spock and thank him. Sarek refused. He said that his son did the logical thing.

"You don’t thank someone for doing the logical thing," he told his wife. Spock told Amanda that his dad was right, which made her even angrier.


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绘本阅读《最想做的事》 儿童绘本故事在线阅读

昨天,我们一起读了一本非常优秀的绘本《最想做的事》。因为时间紧张,真的只是看着画面,听着音乐,匆匆听老师念了一遍,连讨论的时间都没有。令我感动的是,下课铃声打响了,孩子们却依然那样安静地听着故事,结束后,还有孩子跑到 我身边念叨:“就

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