最经典优美的英文诗 经典优美的英文诗朗诵



One of the Lives

by W. S. Merwin

If I had not met the red-haired boy whose father

had broken a leg parachuting into Provence

to join the resistance in the final stage of the war

and so had been killed there as the Germans were moving north

out of Italy and if the friend who was with him

as he was dying had not had an elder brother

who also died young quite differently in peacetime

leaving two children one of them with bad health

who had been kept out of school for a whole year by an illness

and if I had written anything else at the top

of the examination form where it said college

of your choice or if the questions that day had been

put differently and if a young woman in Kittanning

had not taught my father to drive at the age of twenty

so that he got the job with the pastor of the big church

in Pittsburgh where my mother was working and if

my mother had not lost both parents when she was a child

so that she had to go to her grandmother's in Pittsburgh

I would not have found myself on an iron cot

with my head by the fireplace of a stone farmhouse

that had stood empty since some time before I was born

I would not have travelled so far to lie shivering

with fever though I was wrapped in everything in the house

nor have watched the unctuous doctor hold up his needle

at the window in the rain light of October

I would not have seen through the cracked pane the darkening

valley with its river sliding past the amber mountains

最经典优美的英文诗 经典优美的英文诗朗诵

nor have wakened hearing plums fall in the small hour

thinking I knew where I was as I heard them fall


One of the Monkeys

by Nicholas Johnson

I'm one of the monkeys they've got typing

in a room full of monkeys. It's a play

Shakespeare wrote back in the old days

they want us to write again. So we're writing

a play we never read. They keep inviting

strangers to watch us and the strangers say:

"They wrote 'to be or nutti to be'!" They stay

too long if we write something exciting

but the bananas flow like wine. We know

it's a crazy, morbid, ranting play, a stew

full of murder, love, but with a noble feel.

Shocked, I see hack monkeys come and monkeys go.

One keeper killed my father. What should I do?

I'm watching him. My teeth are as sharp as steel.


Navigating in the Dark

by Erik Campbell

Papua, Indonesia

In this mining town in Papua the electricity Has a habit of giving up at night, and this

Is a miracle of modern stasis, a secular Shabbat,Reminding us of what is expendable, of how so few

Of us ever truly experience the dark. We are amazed,My wife and I, with the heavy darkness

Of the no moon jungle, insect sounds lacerating All illusions of silent places. “It‘s so absolute,”

My wife says, and I like to think she means More than the darkness; the naked places

Of ourselves we dress in sunlight, lamps,And recorded music like antithetical

Blanche DeBois‘s fearing a different sort Of scrutiny. “We could pretend it’s 1940,”

I say, “put a Jack Benny tape on the short wave And drink coffee, light candles.” She suggests

A walk outside instead, where there are dozens Of others already out on paths bounded by jungle,

Stepping small and laughing loudly through various Uncertainties; flashlights as eyes, ears like animals‘。

Soon we are trying only to remember not to disappear Altogether; everything is so absolutely, so darkly possible.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/240661/623087701.html


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