考研英语范文背诵 考研英语易考范文背诵100篇六



The above drawings vividly reflectcelebrations

of the Spring Festival. Compared withputting up couplets,

making dumplings and children receivingmoney from elders,

the traditional customs that have beenobserved

for thousands of years,

watching the Spring Festival Gala is anovelty,

which has been incorporated into the joyful atmosphere.

It seems to me that the message the painter

intends to convey is not limited to

the Spring Festival celebration;

it is also about inheritance and innovation of

our fine traditional culture, to be exact.

It is essential that we hold a dialectical attitude

toward the issue. For one thing,

abandoning the heritage left by our ancestors,

if we will fail to keep a foothold as a nation

with unique characteristics. For another,

maintaining tradition doesn't necessarily mean

we hang on to the rules handed down from distant ages.

考研英语范文背诵 考研英语易考范文背诵100篇六

In an era of intensified globalization,

can China, the nation of the largest population

and the third vastest land in the world,

isolate herself from other parts of the earth?

Absolutely not. Take traditional Chinese medicine for example.

The ancient field could hardly assumed new charm

if it had been for doctors' endeavor

to integrate Western medicine with it.

Generally speaking, only if we combine the preservation

and the development of our fine traditional culture,

can we keep abreast with the times in an all-around way.


A giant Chinese character, fu,

happiness as its English counterpart,

is prominent in the picture. But what isunusual

about it is its four squares are occupied

by some electrical appliances, and its dotreplaced

by a symbol of technology. This picture,

as far as I am concerned, conveys anexplicit message

that it is technology that brings us happiness.

It goes without saying that the modern technology

exerts a significant influence on our life.

Its products liberate us from heavy load of housework,

provide us with ample entertainment,

and facilitate our work or studies.

A case in point is when we are asked to

gather material about a certain subject,

we don't have to bother going to the library

and leafing through numerous books;

instead, we will have mountains of related information

available from the Internet merely by a keystroke.

But technology is a mixed blessing.

Some people, youngsters especially,

depend on technology so much that they start to

display symptoms of “technology addiction”.

Some teenagers, for example,

stay motionless before TV or computer for hours on end.

Therefore, they are harassed by health problems

and they also have difficulty communicating with others.

Technology is no more than our servant.

Nevertheless, not until we know

how to treat it reasonably, will it serve us better

and further elevate the quality of our life.


In the above cartoon,

the son exclaims in excitement that hehas found the characters

his father engraved on the stone of theGreat Wall years ago.

Visitors around, including foreigners,

seem astonished while the father flushes with shame.

As a matter of fact,

what the cartoon exposes is merely the tip of the iceberg.

Uncivilized behavior has generated nationwide concern.

Many tourists have the bad habit of

inscribing their names on relics of historical sites,

as is indicated in a recent survey.

In addition, spitting, littering, jaywalking,

jumping the queue and talking loudly are among the improper behaviors.

They are not only a continuous annoyance in public

but also a real embarrassment for China at international levels,

due to the fact that more foreigners come to China

and more Chinese travel or study overseas.

Therefore, it is imperative for us to take effective steps to eliminate,

or at least reduce these improper manners.

First of all, it is practicable for travel agencies

to distribute booklets of guidelines to tourists

as a reminder of appropriate behavior.

Secondly, those who are caught violating regulations should be punished.

It is also of great significance that education in manners

and etiquette should be strengthened in kindergartens and primary schools,

so that the later generation may be aware of them.

There is no doubt that the uncivilized behavior will not vanish overnight:

it might take us several generations to nurture the genuine civilization.


A donation box with a heart—thesymbol of love—

is surrounded by men and women, oldand young,

who put money into the box

and say their help is insignificant.

This picture, as far as I can see,

aims to call on every member in thesociety

to contribute their aids to those who arein need.

The scene depicted in the above picture reminds me

of what happened to us. When the catastrophic earthquake

occurred in Sichuan, millions of people at home and abroad,

responded to it immediately by donating money

or goods to the victims in the stricken area.

Some of them contributed almost all their savings,

even though they themselves find it hard

to make ends meet. As a matter of fact,

love cannot be measured by the amount of donations:

a cent is as precious as a million.

Whatever we offer, be it money or goods,

or volunteer work, it is a token of love,

which will save a life, or encourage one

to face up to the misfortunes.

If everyone is always ready to give a helping hand

to those who are in trouble,

we will overcome all the obstacles,

no matter how arduous they are.

Because any major difficulty one confronts

becomes minor when divided by two.


As can be seen in the picture,

a college student parks his car outside thecampus.

He is equipped with a notebook computer,

a digital camera, an MP3 and dressed

in clothes of famous brand. Ironically,

on the wall behind him there is a slogan

advocating independence and thrift

among college students.

This picture conveys a clear message that

college students ought to maintain a rational attitude

toward consumption and a positive

outlook on life and studies.

This phenomenon, in reality, is not uncommon.

As a member of a highly consumption-oriented society,

young people are increasingly aware of new products

and famous brands. However, they are liable

to buy things impulsively and less sensibly

than the market as a whole. On the other hand,

young people are heavily dependent on their parents,

who usually exert themselves to satisfy

the demands of their children,

because most Chinese families have only one child

due to the one-child policy. In addition,

the fact that college students channel

too much energy and time into shopping

and keeping up with the Joneses makes it unlikely

for them to concentrate on their study,

which is the major task for them as students.

Since independence, diligence and thrift

are virtues many college students lack,

it is vital that families, society as well as schools

guide them in terms of consumption

and impress on them the importance of

industry and self-support.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/240161/611521585.html


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