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英文笑话故事:All Right

Hurrying my 11-year old daughter to school, I made a right turn at a red light when it was prohibited£¨???1£? . "Uh-oh," I said, realizing my mistake. "I just make an illegal turn."

"I guess it's all right." my daughter replied, "The police car behind us did the same thing."

英文笑话故事:A Good Boy 好孩子

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents.


"What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"


"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.


"You're a good boy," said the mother proudly.


"Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?"


"She is the one who sells the candy."



Old Man And Donkey

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There was an old man, a boy and a donkey. They were going to town and it was decided that the boy should ride. As they went along they passed some people who thought that it was a shame for the boy to ride and the old man to walk.

The man and boy decided that maybe the critics were right so they changed positions. Later, they passed some more people who thought that it was a real shame for that man to make such a small boy walk. The two decided that maybe they both should walk.

Soon they passed some more people who thought that it was stupid to walk when they had a donkey to ride. The man and the boy decided maybe the critics were right so they decided that they both should ride.

They soon passed other people who thought that it was a shame to put such a load on a poor little animal. The old man and the boy decided that maybe the critics were right so they decided to carry the donkey.

As they crossed a bridge they lost their grip on the animal and it fell into the river and drowned.

The moral of the story is...if you try to please everyone, you will eventually lose your ass.


Nurse: How do you feel after your operation?

Patient: Quite alright, only I can feel two hearts beating inside me.

Nurse: No wonder the doctor who operated on you was looking for his watch everywhere just now.






A man is so addicted to gambling that he often comes home late. His wife never stops railing at him. Once he is detained at his office and comes home late. His wife accuses him of gambling again but he swears he was detained in his office. "I pray to God that you are speaking the truth", his wife says.

"May God strike me dead if I am lying."

"Then I pray to God that you are lying", his wife said hopefully.






爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/240161/563324275.html


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幽默笑话大全爆笑2017 有关于幽默的英语笑话大全

笑话是一种常见的幽默传达方式。笑话是口头或者书面的幽默语言。小编整理了有关于幽默的英语笑话,欢迎阅读!有关于幽默的英语笑话:Nice Smelling HairA man walks up to a woman in his office each day, stands very close to her

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