经典爆笑英语笑话:理发师Harry: "My big brother shaves every day."
Henry: "My brother shaves fifty times a day."
Harry: "Is he crazy?"
Henry: "No, he's a barber."
经典爆笑英语笑话:年少无知Jimmy is three years old.
One day, he was gazing out of the window when the night fell. He suddenly shouted, "Mum, mum, come close the window!"
"Why? It's not cold, sonny."
"Yes, mum, but the night will come inside."
经典爆笑英语笑话:快速靠岸A guy I know was towing his boat home from a fishing trip to Lake Huron when his car broke down. He didn't have his cell phone with him, but he thought maybe he might be able to raise someone on his marine radio to call for roadside assistance. He climbed into his boat, clicked on the radio and said, "Mayday, mayday." A Coast Guard officer came on and said, "State your location." "I-75, two miles south of Standish." After a very long pause, the officer asked, "How fast were you going when you reached shore?"
在休伦湖钓完鱼后,我的一个朋友开车拖着他的船回家。路上车坏了。 他没带手机,不过,他想,也许他可以通过海事无线广播来请求公路援助。 于是,他爬到他的船里面,启动了无线装置,喊道,“求救,求救”。一名海岸护卫队警官作出了回应,“报告你的位置”。“I-75号公路,Standish的南面两英里”。沉默了好一会之后,警官问我的朋友,“你的船靠岸时开得有多快?”
经典爆笑英语笑话:冰箱里的小兔子A lady opened her refrigerator and saw a rabbit sitting on one of the shelves, "What are you doing in there?" she asked.
The rabbit replied, "This is a Westinghouse, isn't it?"
The lady confirmed, "Yes."
"Well," the rabbit said,"I'm westing."
Rabbit: Are you sure this bottle of special carrot juice will cure me?
Doctor: Absolutely. No rabbit ever came back for another.
Baby Rabbit: Mommy, where did I come from?
Mother Rabbit: I'll tell you when you're older.
Baby Rabbit: Oh, Mommy, please, tell me now.
Mother Rabbit: If you must know, you were pulled from a magician's hat.
经典爆笑英语笑话:我们分享一切An elderly couple goes to Burger King, where they carefully split a burger and fries.
A trucker takes pity on them and offers to buy the wife her own meal.
"It's all right," says the husband. "We share everything."
A few minutes later, the trucker notices that the wife hasn't taken a bite.
"I really wouldn't mind buying your wife her own meal," he insists.
"She'll eat," the husband assures him. "We share everything."
Unconvinced, the trucker implores the wife, "Why aren't you eating?"
The wife snaps, "Because I'm waiting for the teeth!"
经典爆笑英语笑话:I Am Going to Shop 我要去购物啦“Cash, check or charge?” I asked after folding items the woman wished to purchase. As she fumbled for her wallet I noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse.
我帮来购物的女士包好东西后,问道:“是付现金、支票还是记账呢?” 当她找钱包的时候,我注意到她的包包里竟放着一个电视遥控器。
“Do you always carry your TV remote?” I asked.
“No,” she replied. “But my husband refused to come shopping with me, so I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him.”
经典爆笑英语笑话:At a Department Store 在百货商店里A really huge muscular guy with a bad stutter goes to a counter in a department store and asks, “W-w-w-where’s the m-m-m-men’s dep-p-p-partment?”
The clerk behind the counter just looks at him and says nothing.
The man repeats himself, “W-w-w-where’s the m-m-m-men’s dep-p-p-partment?” Again, the clerk doesn’t answer him.
The guy asks several more times, “W-w-w-where’s the m-m-m-men’s dep-p-p-partment?” And the clerk just seems to ignore him. Finally, the guy is angry and storms off.
The customer who was waiting in line behind the guy asks the clerk, “Why wouldn’t you answer that guy’s questions?”
The clerk answers, “D-d-d-do you th-th-th-think I w-w-w-want to get b-b-b-beat up?!!”

经典爆笑英语笑话:冰箱里的储蓄罐My cousin always "borrows" money from her older brother's piggy bank, which drives him crazy.
One day, she found the piggy in, of all places, the refrigerator.
Inside was this note: "Dear sister, I hope you'll understand, but my capital has been frozen."
经典爆笑英语笑话:I Understand Him我懂他的话While eating in a restaurant, I reprimanded my four-year-old son for speaking with his mouth full . "Mump umn Kmpfhm," was all I heard.
"Drew," I scolded, "no one can understand a word you're saying.
"He says he wants some ketchup," my husband said calmly . A woman sitting nearby leaned over and asked, "How in the world did you understand him?"
"I'm a dentist," my husband explained.
在饭店吃饭的时候,我申斥我4岁的儿子,因为他满嘴食物在说话。“喔、呢”,我听到的就是这些。 “祖,”我责备道,“没人明白你在说什么。” “他说他要一些番茄酱,”我丈夫平静地说。坐在旁边的一位妇女靠过来问道:“你究竟如何明白他的话的呢?” “我是牙医。”我丈夫解释道。
经典爆笑英语笑话:我为什么逃避手术A man was seen fleeing down the hall of the hospital just before his operation.
"What's the matter?" he was asked.
He said, "I heard the nurse say, 'It's a very simple operation, don't worry, I'm sure it will be all right.'"
"She was just trying to comfort you, what's so frightening about that?"
"She was talking to the damn doctor!"
经典爆笑英语笑话:The Cemetery Shortcut为抄近路走墓地Two men were walking home after a Halloween party and decided to take a shortcut through the cemetery just for laughs.
Right in the middle of the cemetery they were startled by a tap-tap-tapping noise coming from the misty shadows.
Trembling with fear, they found an old man with a hammer and chisel, chipping away at one of the headstones.
"Holy cow, Mister," one of them said after catching his breath, "You scared us half to death -- we thought you were a ghost! What are you doing working here so late at night?"
"Those fools!" the old man grumbled. "They misspelled my name!"
经典爆笑英语笑话:保证没走错To be on the Safe SideIn a cinema during a performance one of the audience gets up, makes his way along the row of seats and goes out into the foyer.
A few minutes later he returns and asks the man sitting at the head of the row:
"Excuse me, was it your foot I stepped on when I was going out a moment ago?"
"Yes, but it doesn't really matter. It didn't hurt at all."
"Oh, no, it isn't that. I only want to make sure that this is my row."