从现在起的英文短语 筹钱的英文短语



为他们筹些钱 raise some money for them

再筹钱计划 refinancing plan

有关如何筹钱 how about raise money

筹钱的途径 the ways to raise money

为慈善筹钱 raise money for charity

为筹钱 raise money for

筹资源钱 fund raising cost

筹钱 collect money

筹钱 raising money


1. They raised the money to buy the house and two hundred acres of grounds.


2. There are a hundred and one ways in which you can raise money.


3. As your income increases you will find less difficulty in finding the money to meet your monthly repayments.


4. She decided to raise money by cutting off all of her hair.


5. We fell in with his plan to raise money for uniforms.


6. They were raising money to build a new center for research.


7. They are raising money to build a new club.


8. They organize a show to raise money.


9. Why don't we a show to raise money?

我们为何不表演些节目来筹钱 呢 ?

10. I had to raise money for house repaired.

从现在起的英文短语 筹钱的英文短语


11. An oppressed Mexican peasant village assembles seven gunfighters to help defend their homes.


12. The point is, though , that she was selling tidbits to raise money for her passion.

关键是, 她正在卖小食品来为她的信仰筹钱.

13. Most of the paintings were sold to raise money to assist the former captives.


14. I should like to buy a new car but haven't got the wherewithal.


15. If he wanted to splash out on a new car it would take him a couple of days to get his hands on the cash.



It makes it possible for people to borrow who otherwise couldn't borrow.



Can you promise not to do anything to Fay while I raise the money and get ready your false ID?


As the farmer could not repay his debt, he tried to raise money on his land and building


The "Project Hope" Education plays a very important role in the development of China. As is known to all, China has the largest population in the world and most of them live in the countryside. Since the economic conditions there are rather poor, many families,especially in the remote areas, cannot afford to send their children to school, many children have to drop from school. The "Project Hope" is aimed at solving this problem so that every child of school age can receive regular education. The "Project Hope" mainly depends on the contributions of the urban people and overseas Chinese who care about the development of China's education. The contributed money will be distributed by "Project Hope" council to the countryside to help the children who cannot afford the education. One hundred yuan will help such a child finish his primary education. "Project Hope" is a good way to promote the education in the rural areas, but it is far from being sufficient. By now,only a small portion of the children benefit from it. Therefore,I suggest that government at all levels and people of all walks of life pay more attention to the problem and do much more to help raise the educational level of the country.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/240061/507198546.html


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看涨 从现在起,看涨微软

     在所谓的后PC时代,微软变成了一家“陪太子读书”的公司。“太子”自然是苹果、谷歌、亚马逊和Facebook,他们拥有移动互联网的话语权,而微软只能站在一边,虽然靠卖软件还在赚大钱,但却遭受着分析师们不看好其未来的白眼。  其

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