名人堂英语 “名人堂”英语怎么说


Yao Ming's agent has asked the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame to set aside the former All-Star center's nomination for a later year.

Yao, who retired in July, was nominated by a member of the Chinese media as a contributor to the game, and would have been eligible for induction as early as 2012. But Hall of Fame president and CEO John Doleva said Yao's agent, John Huizinga, called Wednesday morning to request that Yao's nomination be tabled for now.

名人堂英语 “名人堂”英语怎么说



【讲解】文中的“Hall of Fame”就是“名人堂”的意思,“Hall of Fame”可以指“佼佼者”,指“A group of persons judged outstanding, as in a sport or profession. ”(一群被认为是杰出的人,比如说在体育或职业方面)。或者“名人纪念堂”,指“A building housing memorial items honoring illustrious persons.”(存放著名人物纪念物的建筑物。)篮球名人堂,全称奈史密斯篮球名人纪念堂(Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame)。世界上任何一位与篮球有关的人都有资格被提名(nominated)进入名人堂(Hall of Fame),但要登堂入室必须经过漫长的等待和近乎苛刻的审查。  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/240061/254595737.html


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