


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




If you love adventure and excitement, then Erin Hunter's best-selling Warriors series is for you. The fantasy books follow four cat clans(家族) as they try to survive in the wilderness. In the latest book, Thunder Clan warrior Ashfur has been mysteriously murdered. This sets three warrior cats named Holly leaf, Lion blaze and Jay feather on a journey to find the killer.

The three friends must deal with other problems, too. Jay feather is searching for his parents, but he must make up many lies to find them. Holly leaf encounters her own obstacles when her clan refuses to follow the warrior code. And Lion blaze discovers some unbelievable secrets. All the while, the cats face many dangers and the chance that another warrior will disappear forever.

“Erin Hunter” is really a pen name for Victoria Holmes and two other authors, Kate Cary and Cherith Baldry. They chose Hunter to cover the three of them because of Redwall, a very successful book written by Brian Jacques. It is a similar animal fantasy about rats and mice. Because Warriors was going to fit into that bracket,_they wanted their books to go onto the bookshelves next to his. So they needed a name that would be close to Jacques alphabetically(按字母排序地). Hunter fits perfectly.

“My favorite character is Jay feather. You never know if he is on the side of the angels or not. He's got a quite dark side. In terms of the cat that I would like to be my best friend, that would be Cinderpelt. She is so cool. She has a great sense of humor and she is a good medicine cat. Even if she wanted to be a warrior, she will make the best of her destiny. I really admire that in her,” said Victoria Holmes.

21.The three warrior cats go on a journey mainly to ________.

A. survive in the wilderness

B. protect another warrior from disappearing

C. find the killer that murdered Ashfur

D. look for some adventure and excitement

答案与解析:C 细节理解题。从第一段最后两句可知本题答案:这三个武士猫踏上旅程是为了找出杀害Ashfur的凶手。

22.From the second paragraph, we can learn that ________.

A. Jay feather likes to tell lies and is unreliable

B. the warrior code of Holly leaf's clan is terrible

C. the journey is not easy for the three cats

D. there are lots of unbelievable secrets among the clans

答案与解析:C 推理判断题。第二段主要介绍了这三个武士猫将要面对的危险,由此可见它们的旅程是不轻松的。

23.The underlined word“bracket” in the third paragraph most probably means “________”.

A. range B. level

C. angle D. species

答案与解析:A 词义猜测题。第三段主要介绍本书的作者笔名的由来:Erin Hunter是三位作家的化名。他们起这个名字是由于之前的一本关于老鼠的奇幻小说。他们书中的人物也属于这一类。因此bracket的意思是“范围”,与range同义。

24.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Cinderpelt?

A. She has a sense of humor.

B. She is on the side of the angels.

C. She makes the best of her destiny.

D. She is a good medicine cat.

答案与解析:B 推理判断题。本题就书中人物Cinderpelt进行判断,答案出现在第四段。


“I don't speak English”—these are the first words I learned when I came to America. Soon I was able to pronounce the four words clearly, and said them whenever an American tried to talk to me. This answer was very effective (有效的) at ending our conversation and saving me from another uncomfortable situation, or I would have to communicate in a language that I was not familiar with.

Before coming to the States, I thought I knew English pretty well. But the truth is that the grammar-based and vocabulary-based English that is taught in overseas (海外的) schools is not the English people speak in America.

But fear not! Once you are in America, you can immediately begin to bridge the gap (弥补差距) between the learned English that you have already known, and the spoken English that is all around you. To do this, first of all, it is important not to fear when you realize that you may not be as prepared for daily communication as you thought. For me, as soon as I stopped worrying about my accent and started speaking, I made rapid progress. Often the people didn't notice my mistakes because they were so glad to finally be able to communicate with me.

Another good idea is to listen carefully and pay attention to the way in which ideas are expressed. For example, if you are working hard and you want to stop working and rest for a little while, you can either say “I would like to stop working and rest for a while” or “I want to take a quick break from work”. The first sentence, I quickly learned, sounds dry and too formal for any kind of communication, while the second is an idiom(成语) that is widely used in American English conversation.

Finally, use what you have already known—the vocabulary, the grammar and the spelling. Try to use these into the spoken language for more impressive and accurate(精确的) speaking results.

25.What's the main idea of this passage?

A. You'd better say “I don't speak English” in the USA.

B. How you can improve your spoken English in the USA.

C. Idioms are widely used to express your ideas in the USA.

D. Listening is the best way to improve your spoken English in the USA.B 主旨大意题。从第三段开始可以看出作者谈论的都是如何提高口语水平,故答案选B。

26.At first the writer preferred to use the sentence “I don't speak English” to ________.

A. admit he is a foreigner

B. save much time for himself

C. prevent himself from being laughed at

D. avoid getting upset in communicating with others


答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第一段第三句“This answer was very effective at ending our conversation and saving me from another uncomfortable situation, or I would have to communicate in a language that I was not familiar with.”可知D项正确。

27.What's the problem with the English taught outside the English-speaking countries?

A. It is quite different from what the natives speak.

B. It is taught in boring and wrong grammar.

C. It has nothing to do with English.

D. It has a too small vocabulary.

答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“But the truth is that the grammar-based and vocabulary-based English that is taught in overseas schools is not the English people speak in America.”可知学校教的英语与当地人说的不一样,故选A。

28.When did the writer make rapid progress in spoken English?

A. As soon as he paid attention to the way Americans spoke.

B. The minute he found what has been learned useless.

C. The moment he got rid of the fear of speaking.

D. Immediately he arrived in the USA.

答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第三段第四句话“For me,as soon as I stopped worrying about my accent and started speaking,I made rapid progress.”可知答案C正确。


It's a story as old as love itself: Boy meets girl; boy accidentally shoots girl after mistaking her for a deer while high on drugs; girl falls in love with boy.

Audrey Mayo says she had known Matthew Webb for a few weeks before he shot her in the leg and nearly killed her, but it was on that fateful day that they officially became a couple.

Mayo, 24, and Webb, 23, both of LaFayette, Georgia, were hanging out on the roof of Webb's mom's house when Webb spotted some deer.

He quickly grabbed his gun and headed into the woods. A short while later Mayo said she thought she heard Webb call out to her, asking her to bring him his knife.

She walked across the street towards his location, and Webb mistook Mayo's movement for a deer and fired a single shot.

The next thing Mayo knew, she woke up in a hospital bed with Webb sitting beside her.

Audrey's mom Mary, who works as a nurse at another hospital, thought her daughter would die. Even surviving could mean permanent brain damage.

Mary even let Matthew move in so he could help take care of Audrey during her recovery period.

Though the family refuses to hold the incident against Webb, the local authorities are not so forgiving. He was arrested on charges of firing a gun within 150 feet of a road. He also faces several hunting violation and drug charges after admitting he was high on “several illegal drugs” at the time of the shooting.

Audrey, however, insists the two will continue to love each other.

29.What does the underlined word “spotted” mean in the third paragraph?

A. Heard. B. Found.

C. Caught. D. Fired.

答案与解析:B 词义猜测题。根据下文“He quickly grabbed his gun and headed into the woods.”可知Matthew发现了一些鹿。hear听到;find发现;catch抓住;fire开火。

30.What didn't Matthew do according to the passage?

A. He asked Mayo to bring him his knife.

B. He hung out with Mayo on the roof of his mother's house.

C. He grabbed his gun, walking towards the woods.

D. He fired a single shot at Mayo by mistake.

答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第四段“Mayo said she thought she heard Webb call out to her,asking her to bring him his knife.”可知,不是Matthew让Mayo拿刀子的,故A项不是Matthew做的事情。

31.Why did Mayo go in the direction of Matthew?

A. Because Matthew asked her to bring him his knife.

B. Because she went to catch the deer.

C. Because she thought she heard Matthew call her.

D. Because she wanted to move to the deer.

答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第四段“Mayo said she thought she heard Webb call out to her, asking her to bring him his knife.”可知Mayo去找Matthew的原因是误以为Matthew叫她去,故C正确。

32.Which is the best title of the passage?

A. An Unexpected Accident

B. A Kind Person

C. A Romantic Love

D. A Lucky Deer

答案与解析:C 主旨大意题。文章主要谈论的是Matthew在射杀一头鹿时,误射伤了Mayo,结果两个人因为这件事而相爱,所以C能体现文章主旨大意。


Even at the age of 75, Thelma was still very active. When her husband died, her children suggested that she move to a “senior living community”. As a life-loving person,Thelma decided to do so.

Shortly after moving in,Thelma became a self-appointed activities director, coordinating(使协调) all sorts of things for the people in the community to do and quickly became very popular and made many friends.

When Thelma turned 80, her newfound friends showed their appreciation by holding a surprising birthday party for her. When Thelma entered the dining room for dinner that night,she was greeted by a standing ovation and one of the coordinators led her to the head table. That night was filled with laughter and entertainment, but throughout the evening,Thelma could not take her eyes off a gentleman sitting at the other end of the table.

When the party ended, Thelma quickly rose from her seat and rushed over to the man. “Pardon me,” Thelma said. “Please forgive me if I made you feel uncomfortable by staring at you all night. I just couldn't help myself from looking your way. You see, you look just like my fifth husband.”

“Your fifth husband!” replied the gentleman. “Forgive me for asking,but how many times have you been married?”

With that, a smile came across Thelma's face as she responded,“Four.”

They were married shortly after.

33.Why did people in the community love Thelma shortly after she moved in the “senior living community”?

A.Because she was a shy person.

B.Because she was a lonely person.

C.Because she coordinated all sorts of things for the people in the community.

D.Because she would marry for the fifth time.

答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第二段中“...and quickly became very popular and made many friends.”可知。

34.What did Thelma's friends do to celebrate her 80th birthday?

A.They held a birthday party for her.

B.They gave her a big surprise.

C.They introduced a gentleman to her.

D.They led her to the head table.

答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“...her newfound friends showed their appreciation by holding a surprising birthday party for her.”可知答案。

35.From the end of the passage we can imagine that ________.

A.the gentleman accept Thelma's request

B.the gentleman refused Thelma's request

C.Thelma had been married at least four times

D.the gentleman would be Thelma's fourth husband

答案与解析:A 判断推理题。根据最后一段可知那位绅士接受了塞尔玛的请求,他们结了婚。



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当你的英语试题做多了,你便能对英语考试得心应手!为此,下面小编为大家整理了一份人教版高二英语选修6Unit 5练习试题,欢迎各位的阅读!人教版高二英语选修6Unit 5练习试题Ⅰ.用适当的介、副词填空1.Itravel________unusualplacesandw
