英文短语 不够特别的英文短语



不够特别 Not particularly

不够特别 Not enough special



Or maybe not.


Of course, using a less-than-optimal translation when there is a better choice at hand results inunnecessary loss of precision.


The gift he is not .


英文短语 不够特别的英文短语

Special cases are not special enough to break the rules.


Monica: Nah… not-not special enough.


While interiorly, the research, especially the study related to the application, is far from enough.


They play Seoul here on Friday night, with Dimitar Berbatov aware that he has to improve onhis return of 14 goals from 42 appearances last season with Ronaldo gone.


S. and more skeptical of regimes like Iran's — especially when it comes to human rights, whichLula was often criticized for overlooking.


But she's indicated she'll be less hostile to the U.S. and more skeptical of regimes like Iran's —especially when it comes to human rights, which Lula was often criticized for overlooking.


Colourful lights and TV advertisements are not enough. The waitresses wear special uniforms.


These are vulnerable to weather problems and provide less accurate measurements, but theydo not require special roadway installations, other than well-maintained lane markings.


In a severe crisis, if one or more major financial firms fail, and prudential measures, remedialaction, and capital buffers prove inadequate, special resolution should be available.


I do prefer fast-flowing tracks and have a feel for all the corners here, as it's not good enoughto only be fast over one particular section of the track.


Supermarket owner did not accept kisses only, so I have given him some extras.


If you send a copy it reflects badly on you and shows you didn’t care enough to spend the timecreating a letter specifically for them.


With incredibly large screen resolutions, a lack of content may create excess white space that can diminish aesthetic appeal.


When special circumstance (for example, lack of proficiency in English) pertain, a student may be permitted to take a "light" academic load (number of courses).


It is an especially tough task in developing countries with limited resources and insufficientcapacity.


Actors love it and can't seem to get enough of it.


Conflict has emerged because of a perceived problems of transparency of networks and perceived problems with accountability, and because networks often address issues of concernto the public.


Conflict has emerged because of a perceived problems of transparency of networks and perceived problems with accountability, and because networks often address issues of concernto the public.


1. That is still not enough, particularly for laboratory - based subjects.

这还不够, 特别是对于需要实验室环境的学科.

2. Few have done thatso far; the Italians and Germans in particular have been shamefullysilent.

目前为止,这作的远远不够, 特别是意大利和德国还在可耻的保持沉默.

3. Markets, particularly markets for natural resources, are imperfect.

市场, 特别是自然资源市场不够完美.

4. Especially in the areas of accessories there's not enough choice.


5. The tribunal that sentenced him was indeed imperfect.


6. I find her terribly interfering. It is not enough that she means well.

我发现她特别爱管闲事. 她光有好意是不够的.

7. Children have more, but our culture - and television in particular - teaches them that more is never enough.

他们有了很多, 但我们的文化,特别是电视,教导他们“很多”是远远不够的.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/239861/772378583.html


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