简单英语故事带翻译 关于动物的简单英语故事带翻译



According to legend, there was a kind of birds called “Yidais” on the East China sea.


The Yidais were slow in reaction. They could not fly very high and seemed clumsy and incapable.


But when they moved about, they always moved in groups, depended on one another for survival, and flew and landed together.


When they advanced, no one dared to advance rashly. When they reteated, no one dared to fall behind at will. When they fed, no one dared to scramble to be the first. All their activities were orderly.


When they went into action, Yidais always acted uniformly without any disorder, the depended upon the collective efforts to avoid any harm from the outside world.



As the legend goes, during ancient times, in the expansive open county of North China, there was a kind of birds called “rocs”. The roc was very huge, with its back like a big mountain, and its wings like a stretch of cloud which could cover the sky. When it spread its wings, it could break through a storm and soar at a height of 90000 li(1/2 kilometre)in the sky towards the sea in the south.

传说,古时候中国北方的原野上有一种鸟,它的名字叫“鹏”。 鹏长得很大,背脊像一座大山,翅膀像一片云,能把天空遮住。它张开翅膀能冲破风暴,在九万里高的天空中飞翔,一直飞向南方的大海。

A small bird called the quail bounced on the ground, free and happy. It looked up at the roc soaring in the sky and couldn’t help laughing. “Hey, see how cocky you are! Look at me, one jump can take me over 10 Chi,, How delightful! Every day I come and go amid these weeds and thickets and fly freely. Don’t I fly quite well too? But, where can you fly to anyway?”




A snake, having made his hole close to the door of a cottage, inflicted a sever bite on the cottager’s little son. So the child died.


This caused much sorrow to his parents. The father decided to kill the snake. The duanwenw.com next day, on its coming out of its hole for food, he took up his ax, but, making too much haste to hit the snake, missed its head, and cut off only the end of its tail.

简单英语故事带翻译 关于动物的简单英语故事带翻译


After some time the cottager, lest the snake should also bite him, tried to make peace, and placed some bread and salt beside its hole, the snake, slightly hissing, said, “From now on there can be no peace between us; for whenever I see you I shall remember the loss of my tail, and whenever duanwenw.com you see me you will be thinking of the death of your son.”

过了一阵子,屋主很害怕那条蛇会以牙还牙,就想同蛇讲和,于是就将一些面包和盐放在洞口。那条蛇发出丝丝的声音作出回答:“从今以后,在我们之间不会有和平。因为我一看到你,就会想自己被砍掉的尾巴;同样当你见到我时, 你会想起你死去的儿子。”

No one truly forgets injuries in the presence of him who caused the injury.



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