关于面试的英语对话 关于面试的英语对话精选



A: Good morning. Is that Family zine?


B: Yes. Who is calling, please?


A: This is Amy speaking. I want to apply for the position of Editor in your magazine. Has it been filled yet?

A:我是艾米。我想应聘你们杂志社的编辑 一职。请问有人了吗?

B: Not yet. But do you have any experience?


A: Yes. In college I was the editor of my school’s newspaper. After graduation. I worked as an editorial assistant of Xingxing Weekly Magazine and 丨 got training overall operation of the magazine and other related tasks.

A:是的,我有。在上大学时,我是我校的校 报编辑。毕业后,我在《星星周报》杂志 社担任编辑助理,曾受到过办杂志以及 其他相关工作的全面培训。

B: That sounds good. Do you have other special skills?


A: I think I have the ability to organize, coordinate and supervise different kinds of work.

A:我想我有组织、协调和监督各项工作的 能力。

B: OK. You can come to bring your resume and fill in an application form.


A: Great. Thank you. Good-bye.



A: Please sit down.


B: Thank you.


A: From reading over you resume, I assume your English is quite good. Have you had any experience in the writing field?

A:读了你的履历,我推想你的英文一定相 当不错。你在写作方面有没有什么经 验?

B: No, I haven’t had any professional experience, but I have always been interested in creative writing.


A: Have you ever had a foreign instructor in English composition?


B: Yes, my college teacher was an Australian. She was also our adviser on our English language newspaper. I was the editor for two years.

B:有,我的大学老师是个澳大利亚人,她也 是我们英文报纸的顾问,我做了 2年的 编辑。

A: That’s very interesting. Tell me what you did exactly.


B: Well, I planned the lay-out of the newspaper and then I assigned various articles and columns to other students to write. I wrote the editorial each time.

B:嗯,我设计报纸的版面,然后分配各种文 章和专栏给其他同学去写,我每次都写社论。

A: That can be a rough job, you know.


B: Yes,I know that. But I like adventure and excitement in my writing.

B:是的,我知道,但是我喜欢写作中的冒险 和刺激。


A: Why do you want to become an editor?


B: Well, I’ve always enjoyed writing since childhood. I kept a diary, and I wrote in it every day. And I’m very curious about and enjoy learning things I get interested in, and building up my own knowledge. And when I thought about how to use those sides of my personality, I decided to become a journalist.

B:我从小就喜欢写作。我每天都坚持写曰 记。我对感兴趣的事非常好奇,喜欢在这方面钻研并积累相关知识。考虑到自 己在这方面的特长,我立志要成为一名记者。

A: Have you ever had a foreign instructor in English composition?


B: Yes, my college teacher was an American. H6 was also our adviser on our English language newspaper.

B:有,我的大学老师是个美国人。他也是 我们英文报纸的顾问。

A: Can you name one person you respect very much?


B: I think it’s Albert Einstein. He invented so many things for us which made our life more convenient and happier.

B:我想是阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦。他为我们 f明了那么多使我们生活更加方便和幸 福的东西。

A: What do you like to do in your spare time?


B: Well, I like fishing and stamp-collecting especially.


A: It can be a tough job, you know.


B: Yes, I know that. But I like adventure and excitement in my writing.

B:是的,我知道。但我喜欢冒险和带刺激 的创作。

A: Well, working in an editorial office may not be exciting enough for you. What do you think of it?

A:那么,在编辑室工作可能并不那么够刺 激,你认为呢?

B: I would be glad to do routine work sometimes If I would be assured of making advancements in the future.

B:如果能够确保将来有发展,我有时也喜 欢做一些平凡的日常工作。

A:I think this type of position would be a very good start for you, I am quite sure we can work something out for you. But I cannot give you a definite answer today, we’ll let you know within a week.

关于面试的英语对话 关于面试的英语对话精选

A:我想这种职位对你是个很好的开始,我 们可以考虑一下,但是我今天不能给你 一个明确的答复。不过,我们会在一周 之内通知你的。

B: Fine. Thank you very much, Miss Wang. Good-bye.


A: Good-bye.



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