医生与病人的对话英文 病人和医生的英文对话



Doctor:Good morning. What's troubling you? You don’t look so good.


Patient:Good morning, doctor. I have a terrible ['terɪb(ə)l] headache and I've got no appetite ['æpɪtaɪt].I have been like this for about a day..

病人:你好,大夫。我头疼得厉害,没有食欲。我这样大约有一个天了. Doctor:All right, young man. Tell me how it got started.


Patient:Yesterday I had a running nose. Now my nose is stuffed [stʌft əd] up. I have a sore [sɔː] throat [θrəʊt]. And I'm afraid I've got a temperature. I feel terrible.


doctor:Did you take your temperature?


patient:yes.but my temperature is ok


Doctor:Done worry, young man. Let me give you an examination. Let me take a look at your throat. Open your mouth and say "ah".




Doctor:Look, your throat is inflamed [ɪn'flemd]. And your tongue is thickly coated. You have all the symptoms ['sɪmptəm] of influenza [ɪnflʊ'enzə].

医生:听着,你的喉咙发炎了。舌苔很厚。这些都是感冒的症状。 Patient:What am I supposed to do then? Pay attention to what?

病人:那我该怎么做呢?意些什么? Doctor:A good rest is all you need, and drink more water. Usually proper motion, eating vegetables or fruit. I'll give you medicine

医生:你需要好好休息。多喝水。平时适当的运动, 多食蔬菜瓜果.我马上给你拿药。

Patient: How do I take these medicines?


Doctor: One tablet ['tæblɪt], threetimes a day 医生:一天三次,一次一片。

Patient: Thank you very much.


Doctor:That's all right. Remember to take a good rest.


Patient: I know!Oh! Yes, If I eat spicy ['spaɪsɪ] food or hot sex fruit may be harmful? These are my true love.


Doctor: yes. Of course, it will cause illness may be worse!


Patient:I know. That's a pity.


Patient: If it is an emergency [ɪ'mɜːdʒ(ə)nsɪ] case, we can come at any time, can't we? Or should we phone first? 病人:如果病情危重,我们随时都可以来,是吗?还要先打个电话不? Doctor: If you have the time better notify ['nəʊtɪfaɪ] us before you come. 医生:假如有时间,最好来之前打个电话。

Patient:I will. Goodbye, doctor.


Doctor: You'll get better soon. Bye!

医生与病人的对话英文 病人和医生的英文对话



N1:护士1 Ma:病人母亲 doctor:医生 patient:病人 N2:护士2 Chemist:药剂师

N1:what seems to be the problem?

Ma:my daughter is running a high fever and feeling terribly bad.

N1:how long has she had the problem?

Ma:since last night.

N1:well,you have to fill in this registration card for your daughter. her age ,gender,address and things like that.

Ma:No problem. Which department should I register with ,madam?

N1:you`d better go to the medical department.

Ma:here is the registration card.

N1:thank you .the registration fee is 3 yuan.

Ma:fine , but can you tell me how to get to the medical department,please?

N1: take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn .go along the corridor.Until you will see the sign on your right.

Ma:thanks a lot.

N1:you are welcome. Doctor: Good morning. What’s troubling you?

Ma : Good morning, doctor. My daughter have a terrible headache.

Doctor: All right. Tell me how it got started,little girl. Patient: Yesterday I had a running nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat. And I’m afraid I’ve got a temperature. I feel terrible. Doctor: Done worry, little girl. Let me give you an examination. First let me take a look at your throat. Open your mouth and say “ah”.

Patient: Ah. 医生:很好。把你的舌头伸出来。好的。接下来让我检查以下你的胸膛。把衬衫的扣子解开。让我检查你的心和肺。深呼吸,屏住气。吸气,呼气。顺便问一下,你女儿曾经患过肺结核吗?

Doctor: Good. Now put your tongue out. All right, let me examine your chest. Please unbutton your shirt. Let me check your heart and lungs. Take a deep breath and hold it. Breathe in, and out. By the way, does your daughter has a history of tuberculosis,madam?

Ma: No,definitely not. 医生:听着,你的喉咙发炎了。舌苔很厚。这些都是感冒的症状。

Doctor: Look, her throat is inflamed. And her tongue is thickly coated. She has all the symptoms of influenza.

Ma: What am I supposed to do then? 医生:你需要好好休息。多喝水。我马上给你开药方。

Doctor: A good rest is all she need, and drink more water. I’ll write you a prescription for your daughter。

Ma: Thank you very much.

Doctor: That’s all right. Remember to take a good rest. .

Patient: I will. Goodbye, doctor.

Doctor: Bye! Patient:excuse me, could you please tell me how to get the Prescriptions?

N1:of course ,let me have a look at your Prescriptions, well , the prescription written by doctor is Western medicine .So take the lift to the fifth floor and then make a right turn .go along the corridor until you will see the sign on your left.

Patient:thanks a lot.

N1:you are welcome

N1: good morning,madam. What can I do for you?

Patient: can you fill the prescription for me?

N1: of course. please show me the prescription.

Patient: here you are. N1: just a moment, please. All right .your prescriptionis ready.

Patient: thank you very much.

N1: Don`t mention it .by the way, you got the prescription from Dr.XXX ,didn`t you?

Patient:yes , indeed.

N1: did he tell you how to take the medicine?

Patient: No , she didn`t say anything about it.

N1: all right. Let me tell you what you have to do.Take two of these tablets three times a day after meals.

Patient: how about this cough syrup?

N1: first shake the bottle. Take two spoonful of the cough syrup three times a day.

Patient: hank you very much indeed.

N1: you`re welcome . I hope your daughter will recover in no time.



B:Good morning! What's the matter?


A:I feel sore all over and I have a headache.I am afraid that is a cold.


B:This is a thermometer(θəˈmɔmɪtə(r)).Here you are! B:这是体温计,给你测下体温。



B:How long have you been like this?


A:About Since last night.I was trembling with cold. A:大概从昨晚开始吧,我冷得发抖。

C:She also has a runny nose.


D:she also can’t stop sneezing lastnight.


B:Oh,Iknow.Give me the thermometer.



C:Oh,my god.It’s 40 degrees.


D: You actually are hanging on!


B:Let me look you over carefully.


A:Is it serious?


B:Not serious.you've got the flu.Here are some pills for you.Plerse take them three times a day and drink more water.


A:Thank you very much!


D:How soon can she be all right again?


B:If you have a good rest,you will be all right in three days.B:如果你能好好休息,最多三天就能好了。

C:I hope you can recover as quickly as possible.


B:Good luck!


A、C、D:Thank you!Goodbye!

A、C、D:谢谢,再见! B:Bye!



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2*小苗与大树的对话作者张钫简介 小苗和大树的对话ppt


《小苗与大树的对话》教学反思 长生果教学反思

《小苗与大树的对话》教学反思这是一篇略读课文,是一篇“访谈录”,也是孩子们第一次接触的一种文体。文中的两个人物虽然在年龄、阅历、学识上有着差距,但在交流的过程中却平等和谐。所以,在 他们的对话中可以感受到季老的和蔼亲切、对

科学与文学的对话——杨振宁与莫言 杨振宁 莫言


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