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What Makes a Company Great to Work For


It may be hard to imagine, but there is a better place to work than Google.


That's what Fortune magazine says, anyway, in its latest annual list of the 100 Best Companies 10 Work For. The winner is NetApp, a 5,000 employee data-storage company based in Sunnyvale, Calif. NetApp helped topple the previous list-leader, Google, to No. 4 on the Fortune Iist from its usual No. 1.Financial-services firm Edward Jones, known for its small-city offices and personal touch with clients, is No. 2, and the Boston Consulting Group, a big management consulting firm, came in third.


What makes NetApp so great? Its egalitarian culture, Fortune says-which seems likely to make employees' juggles a lot easier. For example, business travelers often suffer jet lag or exhaustion trying to take the cheapest flights to save their employers money. Mindful of the problem, NetApp management ditched a travel policy a dozen pages long in favor of a simple maxim: "We are a frugal company. But don't show up dog-tired to save a few bucks. Use your common sense," the policy says, according to Fortune. Other perks include several that promise to improve work-family-community balance, such as five paid days off for volunteer work and $11 ,390 for adoption assistance. NetApp

为什么NetApp这么强?《财富》说,这是由于它的平等主义文化一一看来这种文化很容易俘获员工的心。例如,为给雇主省钱、总是乘坐最便宜航班的出差员工,常常受到时差和疲劳的困扰。考虑到这个问题, NetApp的管理层制定了一项差旅政策,10来页的篇幅总结起来也就是一句话,按《财富》的引述是:“我们是一家节俭的公司,但不要为省几块钱而以筋疲力竭的形象示人。运用常识做事”其他好规定中,有几条许诺要增进工作·家庭·社区的平衡,比如有5天带薪假用于志愿工作,还提供11390美元的收养补助。

But don't bother to apply for a job there. NetApp has 45,898 applications pending for 55 openings, Fortune says-producing odds only slightly better than winning Powerball.

但不要劳神去这家公司找工作了。《财富》说, NetApp有55个空缺岗位,但有45898人排队申请,成功机会只比强力球彩票的中奖几率高一点。

Thinking back over the six employers 1 have worked for, the one that has kept me happiest, longest, has offered me more training, more new challenges and more pay increases than the others. The culture at this employer-my current one-has been a factor too,including the collegial atmosphere and emphasis on high professional standards.



How Often Should You Switch Jobs


With unemployment at a 26-year high as the grinding downturn wears on, many people are being forced into Job changes-if they're lucky enough to find new jobs. But for those still employed and managing their careers, there's a perennial question: How often should you change jobs?

难挨的经济低迷仍在继续,失业率达到 26年的最高点,在这种情况下,许多人被迫换工作一)如果他们够幸运能找到新工作的话。但对于仍然在职、规划自己职业生涯的人来说,有一个问题历久弥新:多久该换工作?

During the recent boom, it was common to hear advice that frequent jobs changes were the way to take advantage of the fast-moving economy, maximize personal opportunities and use leverage to get pay raises. Long over were the days of professional loyalty employees to employers, and vice versa when people clocked life-long careers at the same company. The career adviser and blogger Trunk, for example, counseled her readers in 2007 that staying in one job forever is today's recipe for career suicide.

不久前经济繁荣的时候,常常会听到这样的建议,认为频繁跳槽可以从快速发展的经济中得到好处,实现个人机会最大化,并倍以实现加薪。员工对雇主忠心耿耿、一辈子待在同一家公司的时代早已过去,反过来也是一样。举例来说,就业咨询师兼博客作者特伦克在 2007年就给读者提出了忠告:一辈子只干一个工作如今就等于断送自己的职业生涯。

"At the beginning of one's career, it is nearly impossible to find something right without trying a bunch of options," Ms. Trunk wrote "After that,you will experience more personal growth from changing jobs frequently than staying in one job for extended periods of time. And if you change jobs frequently you build an adaptable skill set and a wide network which are the keys to being able to find a job whenever you need to."

特伦克写道,一个人开始职业生涯时,如果不尝试多种选择,几乎不可能找到适合自己的工作。在那之后,比起长时间干同一个工作,你在频繁跳槽之中会实现更多的个人成长。 而如果频繁跳槽,你就能培养适应能力,建立广泛的社会关系,无论你什么时候需要找工作,这些都是最重要的。

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All of that advice might well remain apt today, but the recession has changed the calculus for many workers. Green, a staffing manager at a nonprofit, wrote earlier this year in a guest post on a US News & World Report blog that a clear-eyed assessment of the possible downsides is crucial in changing jobs in this environment.


"Obviously, it would be silly to say people should never change jobs in a bad economy," Green wrote. "Maybe you can find your dream job, or a way out of a career sinkhole, or a financial windfall. But if there was ever a time to proceed with some extra caution and not leap rashly, it's now."


Indeed, in more recent advice on her blog, Trunk answers the question "How can I change careers without taking a pay cut?" this way: "You cannot change careers without taking a pay cut. It is childish to ask this question. So stop asking it. Instead, live below your means so you are not a slave to your career choice."


Ultimately, as with so many aspects of the juggle, it's all about determining what works best for you. For my part, I've worked here at the Journal for about nine year albeit in three different positions. In that time, my wife has had five stints at four organizations. While no situation is perfect, we're both fulfilled and growing professionally.


What's your take on the right pace of job or career changes? Have your views changed with the downturn? How often have you switched positions, either within the same company or at different employers?



Acclimating Newcomers to the Office


For most managers, finding the right person for an open position is the biggest hurdle in hiring. But getting new hires on solid ground is key to making sure they will be enfective on the job,says Karen Lawson, president of Landsdale, Pa.-based Lawson Consulting Group Inc. and author of, New Employee Orientation Training.


Here are some steps managers can take to make the transition smooth:


Inform your staff. Even a simple email will help put staff at ease when an unfamiliar face shows up at the office. If the new hire is part of possible with existing staff to avoid tension. Host an informal meeting or a structural change, Ms. Lawson recommends managers be as open as send a memo detailing how the new employee's responsibilities wil1 fit in with other roles.


Make space. It's important for new hires to have an office or cubicle space to call their own off the bat. While it sounds simple enough, securing a desk,computer,phone and email address for a new employee can become a logistical nightmare when left to the last minute, says Ms. Lawson. Without it, a new hire's first few days on the job will be unsettling---and it is something most people don't forget,even if a joke is made of it later on.


Find face time. It's temptiog to send an assistant to bring in a new employee from the reception desk or to have your new hire ask a neighbor where to go for pens or coffee, but taking the time to great new employees in person and show them the ropes makes a critical first impression. "This not something that can be delegated,"says Ms. Lawson. "It really sets the tone." And be sure to also include those people who may be out of sight, but who are critical to know. The shipping c1erk in the basement might be the person everyone needs to know, but rarely sees, says George Bradt, author of On boarding: How to Get Your New Employees Up to Speed in Half the Time. Mr. Bradt advises managers keep in mind the social network of the office, for example, pointing out the person in charge of the softball team. It is important for a new hire to have someone on his or her level to turn to for help. Assign a ‘buddy' to help make a new hire feel more connected to colleagues.

找时间当面沟通。 让助手把新员工从前台带进办公室,或让新人自己去问旁边的同事笔在哪儿取,咖啡在哪儿拿,这样做似乎很省事,但花时间亲自迎接新员工并给予一些帮助,会让他们对你的第一印象极其深刻。"这些事情不能请人代芳,"罗森说,"因为它能确定员工关系的基调。"此外,还要确保让新员工认识那些不常露面但很重要的人,比如地下室负责收发工作的办事员,因为每个人都需要认识他,却很少看到他,《如何让你的新雇员迅速适应工作》一书的作者乔治·布莱特 (George Bradt)说道。布莱特建议管理者关注办公室里的社交网络,比如告诉新员工哪个是垒球队的队长。对新人来说,在同一级找到一个能帮忙的人非常重要。派一个“搭档”给新员工,能让他感到自己与同事之间的关系更为融洽。

The unwritten rules. Every once has rules you won't find in the HR manual. Be sure on the first few days to point out those subtleties to new employees. Think about daily routines while giving a our of the office the coffee pot everyone on staff is responsible for, the lunch room, the places where bosses tend to congregate-and highlight those so that a new hire can feel familiar with the office culture. "I've seen people have really bad experiences because no one ever told them what the unwritten practices are," says Ms. Lawson.


Set goals. Once a new employee is settled into the office, it is important to sit down to discuss and establish a short-and long-term plan Early on, employees should have a c1ear understanding of managemen1's expectations and how they will be reviewed. From there, Ms. Lawson suggests holding weekly one-on-one meetings for the first month or so. "Bringing an employee on board is a process that needs to take place over weeks and months," she says. "It's not just a one-time event

设定目标。 新员工一旦安顿下来,管理者就有必要和他们一起坐下来,讨论并确定一个他们在公司发展的短期和长期规划。刚开始的时候,新员工就应该对管理者的期望值以及对工作表现的考核方式有一个清晰的认识。在此基础上,罗森建议在新员工人司的头一个月左右,管理者每周与他们一对一地谈一次。“让新员工适应新环境需要 -个过程,可能要花几周时间,甚至几个月时间。”她说,“这不能一蹴而就。”


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