英语笑话大全带翻译 经典的英语小笑话加翻译大全




Henry was from the United States and he had come to London for a holiday.


One day he was not feeling well, so he went to the clerk at the desk of his hotel and said,"I want to see doctor. Can you give me the name of a good one?"


The clerk looked in a book and then said , "Dr. Kenneth Grey , 61010."


Henry said,"Thank yon very much. Is he expensive?"


"Well, "the clerk answered, "he always charges his patients two pounds for their first visit to him, and one pound and 50 pennies for later visits."


Henry decided to save 50 pennies, so when he went to see the doctor, he said,"I've come again,doctor."


For a few seconds the doctor looked at his face carefully without saying anything.


Then he nodded and said,"Oh,yes. "He examined him and then said, "Everything's going as it should do. Just continue with the medicine I gave you last time."



Younger Scout: How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool?


Older Scout:Just eat one before you go to bed.


If you wake up the next morning, it was a mushroom.




Son: Mum ,if someone broke your best. vase what would you do?


Mum: I'd spank him and send him to bed without any supper!


Son: Well,you' d better get the slipper. Dad's just broken it !

英语笑话大全带翻译 经典的英语小笑话加翻译大全



Nurse: Don't you like your new baby sister, Johnny?

保姆: 约翰尼,你难道不喜欢你新生的小妹妹?

Johnny: She's all right, but I wish she had been a boy. Willie Smith had got a new sister, and now he'll think I'm trying to copy him.

约翰尼: 她还可以,但要是个男孩就好了。威利·史密斯有一个新生的小妹妹。现在他该认为我又在跟他学了。



Mother: I left two pieces of cake in the cupboard this morning, Johmmy,and now there is only one piece left. Can you explain that?

妈妈: 约翰尼,我今天早上在橱子里放了两块点心。现在就剩下一块了。你能解释一下吗?

Johnny: Well, I suppose it was so dark that I didn' t notice the other.

约翰尼: 哦,我想是因为里面太黑我没看到另外那块。


Harry was given two apples, a small one and a large one,by his Mum. "Share them with your sister."she said.


So Harry gave the small one to his little sister and started tucking into the large one.


"Cor! said his sister, "If Mum had given them to me I'd have given you the large one and had the small one myself.”


"Well,"said Harry,"that's what you've got,so what are you worrying about?"



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