写给初中老师的一封信 用英语写给初中老师的一封信



English Teacher,

I am a new student here.I haven't met you yet.I don't know if you teaches well.But I can imagine that you are a kind person.I am sure that you will not make us disappointed.My English is not very excellent.I always make stupid mistakes.I can't do well in English examination.

There are a lot of reasons in it.Maybe I spent too little time on English.Maybe I was not interested in it.I hope that you will change that.Maybe you can help me to get interest on English.Many people,especially many boys thinks that English is a boring subject.Some people even thinks that boys couldn't do well in it forever.I will prove that is wrong.Being a boy,I will make great progress in English.




Dear Mr Wang:

写给初中老师的一封信 用英语写给初中老师的一封信

We are so pleased that you are willing to share our views.

In the course of the general revision,What we need is solid foundation. Methods are vital,so could you please introduce some learning keys?We think it can help us much better.

Could you please teach us slower? We should have time to understand everything we learnt .Then we can learn the nature not the surface.

We also need to practice the important and easily wrong difficulties again and again. And we won't get puzzled when we meet the similar questions.

Doing homework is a way to make sure if all of us can control the knowledge.We hope that there will be less homework in order to increase the quality.

Besides,inspire us more and we'll do better than before.


Li hua


My dear teacher,

Long time no see.How are you?

I went to the senior school for a long time.And I change a lot.First,...Secondly,.....

I hope you can write to me soon.

Your student,



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/237961/519478070.html


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