差额英文怎么说 差价用英语怎么说

差价是指不同等级,不同交割月份,不同商品,不同交割地点的期货价格差异。也指同一商品因各种条件不同而产生的价格差别,如批发和零售的差价、地区差价、季节差价。 进货与卖出货的差额是一些商人盈利的主要部分。那么你知道差价用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。


price difference


gap between ... prices


差价合约 Contract for difference

估值差价 Value Price

差价合同 Contract for difference

熊市差价 Bear Spreads

地域差价 Area differential

差价退款 Adjustment Refund

批零差价 wholesale and retail price differentials

交换差价 exchange gap between

推销差价 dumping profit margin


1. Variable levies can insulate farmers and consumers from world markets.


2. But no matter how great the difference is, you'll have to move.

但无论差价有多大, 你方得作出一些让步.

3. That still leaves a gap of 10 dollars to be covered.


4. I'm sorry, the difference between our price and your counter - offer is too wide.

我很抱歉, 我们的价格和你的还盘之间的差价太大了.

5. All dealing spreads are subject to variation, especially in volatile market conditions.

所有的交易差价都可能发生变化, 特别是在一个市场极其波动的情况下.

6. Resale rights exist, with schools in some cases sharing the profits.


7. The difference in prices between the two markets was reduced by arbitrage.


8. Scope: Real estate brokers ( including public housing post exchange publicexchange ).

经营范围: 房地产经纪 ( 含公有住房差价交换 ).

9. Yet there has been no real - time measure of this differential.

然而,市场上一直没有出现 实时 衡量这种差价的工具.

10. The difference can be refunded or used as store credit.


11. Why do the developers to " full compensation for price difference? "

这位开发商为什么能够 “ 全额补偿房价差价 ”?

差额英文怎么说 差价用英语怎么说

12. Non - members substituting for a member must pay the difference in fees.

非 会员顶替会员参加的情况下,须补足差价.

13. This is the fundamental way to narrow the price difference.


14. We shall offset the price difference demand draft payable to your order.


15. Cfd and spot forex trades can only be settled in cash.



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