端午节的由来中英文版 平安夜的由来介绍中英文版

端午节的由来中英文版 平安夜的由来介绍中英文版








The origin of the Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is also common says Christmas Eve and the family reunion, in the sitting room, will be around the tree to sing Christmas carols and exchange gifts, and share the joys and sorrows of a life, express the wish and love. In that night will see a group of lovely little boy or girl, hand, playing a guitar, a poem of singing poems, a good tidings. What's this festival is news of how come?

Jesus was born at a night in the wilderness, a flock of shepherds, suddenly guard heard a voice from heaven came to Jesus was born, they reported the news. According to the bible, Jesus came to the king of the world, therefore make the angel and through these shepherds message more people know.

Later, people will follow the angels, on the eve of Christmas night BaoRen everywhere preaching Jesus was born, until today, Christmas caroling has become the indispensable one program.

Usually caroling team is made up about twenty young, plus a ready dressed as an angel of the little girl and a Santa Claus. In peace is about nine night after the start of a good tidings to. Whenever I go to a family news team, first will sing a few songs of Christmas, and then read the bible by the little girl GaiHu let people know the words of Jesus' birth day is tonight, after prayer to sing together two poem, again by generous Santa send Christmas gifts to the families of the sons of small hall, the whole process of caroling is finished!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/237461/853286861.html


端午节的由来50字 端午节的由来100字


端午节的由来和传说 端午节由来与传说


端午节的由来50字 端午节的由来

端午节来源六说:端午节是我国民间五大节日(春节、清明、端午节、中秋节、重阳节)之一,受到全国各地人民的普遍重视。它的别名很多,有端午、端阳、蒲节、重五、女儿节、诗人节、沐兰节等等。 端午节的来源有多种说法,为人所知的有下列六种:1

端午节的由来300字作文 端午节作文300字

   一看到妈妈泡米和桌子上满是粽叶,我就知道端午节又到了。  小的时候我不知道端午节的由来,只知道每年家里就像过年一样隆重地过端午节。后来也只是知道一点点关于纪念屈原的传说,至于还有什么我就一无所知了。  每到端


   端午节手抄报:端午节的由来  若一粒米代表想你,我愿是一把米,时时刻刻想着你;若一颗枣代表爱你,我愿是一颗蜜枣,分分秒秒甜着你。端午我要长长久久包着你!  糯米粘,蜜枣甜,怀念无声润心田。艾草香,菖蒲扬,思念连连满胸腔。龙

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