高中英语写作课件 高中英语任务写作



Today I learned about present progressive tense.


It is a tense used to express action that is on-going at the time of utterance.


It is not difficult for me, because I master its basic use.


So I helped many classmates.


In a short time, all students in my class master this grammar well.


Classmates appreciate or admire me and our English teacher praises me.


I become the hero of my class suddenly.


It is a pleasant learning experience.


It also encourages me to study hard, so that I can have the chance to be hero.



We are often taught to have a thankful heart.


But how to express our thanks is a question.


In my opinion, how to express our appreciation should depend on the specific situation.


Such as, if we are appreciating the contribution that our parents make for us, it would be thebest that we can love them back or take care of ourselves.


When we get help from strangers, we can help other people like what they do to show ourappreciation.


In a word, we need to choose a proper way to say our thanks.


Otherwise, the result may be different.


高中英语任务写作:Grab red envelope

In 2015 during the Spring Festival, we were in full shaking to grab red envelopes. A variety ofred envelopes opened in all kinds of programs, for example, micro letter envelopes, micro blogenvelopes and so on. Some people were immersed in the joy of the success: others were in thesadness of missing the opportunity.

During the time I was sitting in front of the TV, grabbing the red envelopes crazily as theSpring Festival Gala was broadcasted live. Sometimes I was happy because I grabbed a redenvelope, while sometimes I was sad.

In my opinion, if grabbing a red envelope acts as a leisure activity, there are more advantagesthan its disadvantages. Although grabbing envelopes wastes our time and we can not get toomuch money, it is the symbol of the modern New Year, and it means the arrival of the SpringFestival's festival atmosphere. You can interact with others in your spare time by this way, andthis activity also heralds a new are of the Internet banking. At the same time the human societyhas a further step towards technology. But if you will be addicted to grabbing envelopes, theconsequences are terrible.

In short, a red envelope is a sign of a blessing. But be keen on grabbing red envelopes.Otherwise, it will be a frightening program rather than an active one.

高中英语任务写作:Grabbing Red Envelopes

What is the most popular activity in China today? Of course, it's grabbing red envelopes.When it appeared with technique developing, it appeals to everyone's eyes. As an old sayinggoes "Every coin has two sides" Grabbing red envelopes also has advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, it's a fashionable way for the young to have fun. Besides, it can make adifference to strengthen the relationship between each other and it has great economic value.At the same time, grabbing red envelopes is a vivid example which combines tradition withfashion closely. Especially, the Spring Festival Gala has made a breakthrough which grabbingred envelopes play an important role in it.

On the other hand, it also has its drawbacks. As we all know, someone who was addicted tograbbing red envelopes has broken their phones frequently. In the meanwhile, too muchattention on the red envelopes may reduce the communication largely. How terrible it is!Grabbing red envelopes also leads to a lot of bad things which are harmful to humans' future.

As far as I'm concerned, it is a funny game which we should do it in a proper way in order notto be addicted to it. Only in this way can we get benefits from it.

高中英语任务写作:Rob Red Envelope

At the beginning of this year, an activity called "Snatch Red Envelopes" hit the whole China. Infact, I have also taken part in this when it firstly appeared in the evening program at the SpringFestival.

After that ,this activity becomes more and more popular. All my classmates and relatives talkabout it. Some people even contribute their own money on the QQ and welcome others tosnatch red envelopes. However ,there are two opposite points of view between different people.

Some of them think it is a bad atmosphere that covers all over the country. People pay moreand more attention to making money. It truly has influenced someone, who has gone in for thisrather than concentrate on making their real life wealth. So some people think this activityshould be stopped.

But others don't think so. They declare that this activity is very good for present society, inwhich affection between family members is becoming colder and colder. Because it helpsfriends or family members get close to each other.

As for me, snatching red evenlopes should be supported. On the one hand, "Red Envelope" is agift that the elders give children and grandchildren. It not only just a tradition but also containsthe deep love family members want to give you. On the other hand, we get happiness while weplay this game.

高中英语写作课件 高中英语任务写作

Do you agree with me? So come to snatch red envelopes.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/237461/811075376.html


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