柿子的英语怎么说 葡萄的英语怎么说

汉语解释:葡萄(学名:Vitis vinifera L.)葡萄科葡萄属木质藤本植物,小枝圆柱形,有纵棱纹,无毛或被稀疏柔毛,叶卵圆形,圆锥花序密集或疏散,多花,与叶对生,基部分枝发达,果实球形或椭圆形,种子倒卵椭圆形,花期4-5月,果期8-9月。那么,你知道葡萄的英语怎么说吗?

葡萄[pú tao]


grape; [电影] Bobule;


1. Increasingly, more wine-makers are taking up the challenge of growing Pinot Noir.


2. Lili had fallen asleep clutching a fat bunch of grapes.


3. Essentially, vines and grapes need water, heat and light.



4. Olive groves, grapes, and citrus fruits grow in profusion.


5. The price of grapes had shot up to 32 francs a kilo.


6. The grapes are hand-picked and pressed.


7. My head was spinning from the wine.


8. a bunch of grapes


9. a white wine spritzer


10. grapes on the vine


1. Increasingly, more wine-makers are taking up the challenge of growing Pinot Noir. 越来越多的酿酒商开始接受种植黑皮诺葡萄的挑战。

2. Lili had fallen asleep clutching a fat bunch of grapes. 莉莉手里抓着一大串葡萄睡着了。

3. Essentially, vines and grapes need water, heat and light. 最基本的是,葡萄藤和葡萄需要水、热和光。

4. Olive groves, grapes, and citrus fruits grow in profusion. 橄榄、葡萄和柑橘类水果产量丰富。

5. The price of grapes had shot up to 32 francs a kilo. 葡萄价格大幅上涨,达到每公斤32法郎。

6. The grapes are hand-picked and pressed. 这些葡萄是精心挑选用来榨汁的。

7. My head was spinning from the wine. 我喝了葡萄酒后晕乎乎的。

8. a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄

9. a white wine spritzer 一杯白葡萄汽酒

10. grapes on the vine 藤上的葡萄

11. Try some of this sparkling white wine — the poor man's champagne. 尝尝这种白葡萄汽酒吧,这是穷人的香槟酒.

12. The vine has begun to grow away from the wall. 葡萄树已开始伸向墙外了.

13. They can express the juice from grapes to make wine. 他们可以从葡萄中挤出汁来做酒.

14. He put a grape into his mouth and swallowed it whole. 他把一粒葡萄放入嘴里,整个吞了下去.

柿子的英语怎么说 葡萄的英语怎么说

15. Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒由葡萄制成.

16. An orange resembles a grapefruit. 橘子和葡萄柚很相似.

17. They were tramping grapes for wine. 他们在踩葡萄酿酒.

18. Squash the grapes into a pulp. 把葡萄压榨成酱.

19. The first grapes are harvested in mid - August. 第一茬葡萄通常在8月 中旬 收获.

20. These grapes are ripe. 这些葡萄熟了.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/237161/764216121.html


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