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Name:XXX Nationality: Chinese

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Account Location: Huizhou stature: 160 cm 50 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 23 years old

Training and Certification:

Integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job

Position: Market Sales / Marketing categories: online marketing, customer services: Customer Service Officer, other categories: sales with a single

Work Experience: 3 Title: Intermediate

Job type: Full-time arrived - at any time

Salary requirements: 2000 - 3500 hope that the working area: Guangzhou Guangzhou Guangzhou

Personal experience: Company Name: Guangzhou Murrah Network Technology Co., Ltd. (clothing) beginning and ending date: 2007-06 ~ 2009-07

Company Type: Private Enterprise Sector: Textile, Apparel

Positions: as Customer Service

Job Description: Answering 400 customer service hotline to deal with daily service. Including: customer retention, replacement or return processing, complaint handling. 2, enhance customer service satisfaction, customer care degrees. 3, customer visits and ancillary sales. 4. Service proposes to feedback. Good communication, able to deal with emergencies, and accumulated a lot of experience in sales, outstanding performance.

Reason for leaving:

Company Name: Textile Company beginning and ending date: 2006-07 ~ 2007-05

Company Type: Private Enterprise Sector: Textile, Apparel

Positions: Merchandiser

Job Description: Responsible for billing systems, customer intelligence declaration and maintenance, woven fabrics, quotes, quality, delivery control experienced Reason for leaving:

Educational Background

Graduated: Guangzhou Textile Institute

Highest level of education: college graduation --2006-07-01

Studies by one: Computer Science II application:

Education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number

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2003-092006-07 Guangzhou Textile School of Computer awarded two certificates computer

Language skills

Foreign Language: English general

Mandarin level: the level of proficiency in Cantonese: proficient

Ability to work and other expertise

I image, have three years of work experience, with a positive attitude and a high degree of emotional intelligence management capabilities. Learning ability and adaptability is strong, able to withstand the increased pressure of work as well as with independent analysis and the ability to deal with things. And the skills and qualities of the office staff should be a. Understanding of the relevant industry norm, especially familiar with e-commerce work, through the development of multi-channel customers have the ability to resolve incidents and cognitive new areas.

Detailed personal autobiography

To reject mediocrity, select excellence. To complete their work meticulously, then we should cherish the love for the company to complete perhaps people do not want to do, but useful things for the company. I want themselves, face their own, all-round integration of resources, establish a new culture and new ideas. Establish our goals in the competition, pragmatic and prudent to do the business of the company, to improve the companys visibility, through individual actions from the side of the little things bit by bit, to make progress, kindness to others, to our common cause to do.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/236761/919447718.html


淘宝美工外包合同范本 淘宝客服/淘宝美工的简历范本

   淘宝客服/淘宝美工的简历模板  工作年限:应届毕业生 学历:中专/技校  工作地点:广州 - 白云 期望月薪:200-2900元  求职意向:淘宝客服、淘宝美工 籍贯:广东 - 梅州  2012年7月 至 2013年6月 | XX大码女装 | 平面设

客服求职个人简历 淘宝客服个人简历

毕业生求职应聘的“敲门砖”——个人简历,它的作用不可小觑。怎样的个人简历才能受到用人单位的重视呢?以下小编整理了淘宝客服个人简历,以供大家参考。淘宝客服个人简历一:姓 名:性 别: 女民 族: 汉族出生年月: 1987年12月23日婚

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