

A romantic rut can do more than just damage yourrelationship; it can have a serious impact on yourmental health as well。

When you’re fighting with your partner or youbecome distant, everything seems to become morefrustrating and all you can focus on is the negative.The best way to have a healthy relationship is tocommunicate with each other effectively and often.While it seems so simple, it’s something many of us struggle with as we get wrapped up in ourown busy schedules and forget what (or in this case, who) is really important to us。



Safeguard your relationship and your health with these 7 easy communication tips:



1. Talk every day


Make it a point to have a real, open, honest conversation with your partner every day whenpossible. You’re with the person you love so you should be able to discuss things that areimportant to you without fear of being judged. Try going for a relaxing after-dinner walktogether and talk about what’s on your mind. Just be sure to hold hands – affection is just asimportant!


2. Compliment each other


Everyone loves to be complimented! The key here is to compliment things beyond the physical– although telling your partner they look great can’t hurt. If your husband is a great cook, tellhim how much you appreciate his skills, and if your wife is a great listener, let her know.Compliments that go beyond skin deep make a bigger impact and mean a lot more。


3. Be thoughtful


If your partner has a big meeting or a huge project to work on that day, send him/her a textor a cute email to let them know you’re thinking about them and to wish them good luck. Ifyour partner stayed home sick, come home with their favorite soup. Little gestures show thatyou’re in tune with their needs and remind them how much you care about them。


4. Fight logically


If you find yourself in the midst of a brewing fight, be logical and specific about what you haveto say, and most importantly, remain calm. If you’re frustrated because your partner didn’t dosomething they agreed to do, tell them how you feel without yelling broad accusations like, “Youalways break your promises!” Try instead, “I feel hurt because you said that you would do this,but you didn’t。”



5. Don’t bottle things up


Little things can blow up into big problems if left unattended. Don’t avoid talking about smallissues because you think it’s not worth a fight. If you fight logically, you can resolve smallissues quickly and easily, and nip a big relationship blowout in the bud。


6. Become an active listener


Active listening is something that takes time to master, but practice makes perfect. Make eyecontact, nod your head, respond verbally (things like “okay” or “mhmm”), restate whatthey’ve said back to them, and ask thoughtful questions. You can even make it fun andpractice together – if it’s awkward, at least you’ll get a good laugh out of it!


7. Say I love you


There’s no better way to remind your partner that you love them than by telling themsincerely and genuinely. Hearing the person you adore tell you they love you is the bestfeeling in the world, so don’t take it for granted. Say it sweetly and say it often, and don’tassume your partner should “just know” how you feel。


Communication is the key to a happy, healthy relationship, and when your relationship is in agreat place your mind can be too! Enjoy some quality talking time with your partner and letyour stress fade away!



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/236361/322073118.html


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