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While proudly showing off his new apartment to friends, a college student led the way into the den(私室,贼窝) . What is the big brass gong(锣) and hammer for? one of his friends asked. That is the talking clock, the man replied. How's it work?

Watch, the man said and proceeded to give the gong an ear shattering pound with the hammer. Suddenly, someone screamed from the other side of the wall, Knock it off, you idiot! It's two o'clock in the morning!



One evening,in the midst of dinner preparation,our 10 yearold daughter asked,“Mom my, what's puberty?”My wife was rushed at the moment,so she suggested that Peggy look up the word in the dictionary,after which they could talk about it.

A few minutes later,Peggy returned.Her mother asked what the dictionary had said.“Puberty means,”announced Peggy,“the earliest age at which a girl is able to bear children.”

“What do you think of that?” my wife asked.

“I'm not sure,” Peggy replied.“I've always been able to bear children.It's adults I can't bear.”




On her return from school,little Dolly,aged ten,was pulled on to her Daddy's knee,and informed that the fairies had that day brought a big surprise a little baby brother.She see med glad,and presently said:

“Will you give me a stamp,daddy?I want to write and tell brother Tom.”

The father was touched by this,and provided the little lass with the materials to write a letter to her brother,who was away at school.Later,curious to know how she would tell the news,he took an opportunity to read what she had writen.He received something of a shock on reading the following:

幽默笑话精选3000则 关于初三英语笑话精选

“Dear Tom, It's come off today.You've lost;it's a boy.”






爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/236061/373035343.html


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幽默笑话故事 捡来的刘顺子喜欢上街,有事情去,没什么事情也去,即使买个包把烟也要特地跑一趟。村路口就有个小商店,他不买,偏要跑这半个多小时的路程。村里有人说他,恁么喜欢上街,迟早要摊上事的。刘顺子听到后就说,我不偷不嫖,会有什么事摊

情侣幽默笑话400则 情侣间之间必发的幽默笑话短信


情侣幽默笑话400则 情侣间之间必发的幽默笑话短信

  情侣之间偶而互发条幽默笑话短信,对于增进感情是非常有必要的。小编收集了些情侣之间必发的一些幽默笑话短信供您娱乐。  1。某明星:你信托我一天只睡一个小时吗?记者:那你其他二十三个小时在做什么?明星:打打盹  2。某精力病

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多讲点笑话,以幽默的态度处事,这样子日子会好过一点。下面是小编带来的1分钟英文小笑话,欢迎阅读!1分钟英文小笑话精选(一)A party of visitors were being shown round a lunatic asylum.They came across one individual in the

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